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(a) An outdoor lighting installation complies with this section if it meets the requirements in Subsections (b) and (c), and the actual outdoor lighting power installed is no greater than the allowed outdoor lighting power calculated under Subsection (d). The allowed outdoor lighting shall be calculated according to Outdoor Lighting Zone in Title 24, Part 1, Section 10-114.

EXCEPTIONS to Section 140.7(a): When more than 50 percent of the light from a luminaire falls within one or more of the following applications, the lighting power for that luminaire shall be exempt from Section 140.7:

  1. Temporary outdoor lighting.
  2. Lighting required and regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Coast Guard.
  3. Lighting for public streets, roadways, highways and traffic signage lighting, including lighting for driveway entrances occurring in the public right-of-way.
  4. Lighting for sports and athletic fields, and children’s playgrounds.
  5. Lighting for industrial sites, including but not limited to, rail yards, maritime shipyards and docks, piers and marinas, chemical and petroleum processing plants, and aviation facilities.
  6. Lighting of public monuments.
  7. Lighting of signs complying with the requirements of Sections 130.3 and 140.8.
  8. Lighting of tunnels, bridges, stairs, wheelchair elevator lifts for American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, and ramps that are other than parking garage ramps.
  9. Landscape lighting.
  10. In theme parks: outdoor lighting only for themes and special effects.
  11. Lighting for outdoor theatrical and other outdoor live performances, provided that these lighting systems are additions to area lighting systems and are controlled by a multiscene or theatrical cross-fade control station accessible only to authorized operators.
  12. Outdoor lighting systems for qualified historic buildings, as defined in the California Historic Building Code (Title 24, Part 8), if they consist solely of historic lighting components or replicas of historic lighting components. If lighting systems for qualified historic buildings contain some historic lighting components or replicas of historic components, combined with other lighting components, only those historic or historic replica components are exempt. All other outdoor lighting systems for qualified historic buildings shall comply with Section 140.7.

(b) Outdoor lighting power trade-offs. Outdoor lighting power trade-offs shall be determined as follows:

  1. Allowed lighting power determined according to Section 140.7(d)1 for general hardscape lighting allowance may be traded to specific applications in Section 140.7(d)2, provided the hardscape area from which the lighting power is traded continues to be illuminated in accordance with Section 140.7(d)1A.
  2. Allowed lighting power determined according to Section 140.7(d)2 for additional lighting power allowances for specific applications shall not be traded between specific applications, or to hardscape lighting in Section 140.7(d)1.
  3. Trading of lighting power allowances between outdoor and indoor areas shall not be permitted.

(c) Calculation of actual lighting power. The wattage of outdoor luminaires shall be determined in accordance with Section 130.0(c).

(d) Calculation of allowed lighting power. The allowed lighting power shall be the combined total of the sum of the general hardscape lighting allowance determined in accordance with Section 140.7(d)1, and the sum of the additional lighting power allowance for specific applications determined in accordance with Section 140.7(d)2.

1. General hardscape lighting allowance. Determine the general hardscape lighting power allowances as follows:

A. The general hardscape area of a site shall include parking lot(s), roadway(s), driveway(s), sidewalk(s), walkway(s), bikeway(s), plaza(s), bridge(s), tunnel(s), and other improved area(s) that are illuminated. In plan view of the site, determine the illuminated hardscape area, which is defined as any hardscape area that is within a square pattern around each luminaire or pole that is ten times the luminaire mounting height with the luminaire in the middle of the pattern, less any areas that are within a building, beyond the hardscape area, beyond property lines or obstructed by a structure. The illuminated hardscape area shall include portions of planters and landscaped areas that are within the lighting application and are less than or equal to 10 feet wide in the short dimensions and are enclosed by hardscape or other improvement on at least three sides. Multiply the illuminated hardscape area by the Area Wattage Allowance (AWA) from Table 140.7-A for the appropriate Lighting Zone.

B. Determine the perimeter length of the general hardscape area. The total perimeter shall not include portions of hardscape that are not illuminated according to Section 140.7(d)1A. Multiply the hardscape perimeter by the Linear Wattage Allowance (LWA) for hardscape from Table 140.7-A for the appropriate lighting zone. The perimeter length for hardscape around landscaped areas and permanent planters shall be determined as follows:

i. Landscaped areas completely enclosed within the hardscape area, and which have a width or length less than 10 feet wide, shall not be added to the hardscape perimeter length.

ii. Landscaped areas completely enclosed within the hardscape area, and which width or length is a minimum of 10 feet wide, the perimeter of the landscaped areas or permanent planter shall be added to the hardscape perimeter length.

iii. Landscaped edges that are not abutting the hardscape shall not be added to the hardscape perimeter length.

C. Determine the Initial Wattage Allowance (IWA) for general hardscape lighting from Table 140.7-A for the appropriate lighting zone. The hardscape area shall be permitted one IWA per site.

D. The general hardscape lighting allowance shall be the sum of the allowed watts determined from (A), (B) and (C) above.

2.  Additional lighting power allowance for specific applications. Additional lighting power for specific applications shall be the smaller of the additional lighting allowances for specific applications determined in accordance with TABLE 140.7-B for the appropriate lighting zone, or the actual installed lighting power meeting the requirements for the allowance.


Type of Power Allowance
Lighting Zone 03
Lighting Zone 13
Lighting Zone 23
Lighting Zone 33
Lighting Zone 43
Area Wattage Allowance (AWA)
No allowance1
0.016 W/ft²
0.019 W/ft²
0.021 W/ft²
0.024 W/ft²
Linear Wattage Allowance (LWA)
No allowance1
0.13 W/lf
0.15 W/lf
0.20 W/lf
0.29 W/lf
Initial Wattage Allowance (IWA)
No allowance1
150 W
200 W
250 W
320 W

1Continuous lighting is explicitly prohibited in Lighting Zone 0. A single luminaire of 15 Watts or less may be installed at an entrance to a parking area, trail head, fee payment kiosk, outhouse, or toilet facility, as required to provide safe navigation of the site infrastructure. Luminaires installed shall meet the maximum zonal lumen limits as specified in Section 130.2(b).
3Narrow band spectrum light sources with a dominant peak wavelength greater than 580 nm – as mandated by local, state, or federal agencies to minimize the impact on local, active professional astronomy or nocturnal habitat of specific local fauna – shall be allowed a 2.0 lighting power allowance multiplier.


All area and distance measurements in plan view unless otherwise noted.

Lighting Application
Lighting Zone 0
Lighting Zone 1
Lighting Zone 2
Lighting Zone 3
Lighting Zone 4
WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER APPLICATION. Use all that apply as appropriate.
Building Entrances or Exits. Allowance per door. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be within 20 feet of the door.
Not applicable
9 watts
15 watts
19 watts
21 watts
Primary Entrances to Senior Care Facilities, Police Stations, Healthcare Facilities, Fire Stations, and Emergency Vehicle Facilities. Allowance per primary entrance(s) only. Primary entrances shall provide access for the general public and shall not be used exclusively for staff or service personnel. This allowance shall be in addition to the building entrance or exit allowance above. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be within 100 feet of the primary entrance.
Not applicable
20 watts
40 watts
57 watts
60 watts
Drive Up Windows. Allowance per customer service location. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be within 2 mounting heights of the sill of the window.
Not applicable
16 watts
30 watts
50 watts
75 watts
Vehicle Service Station Uncovered Fuel Dispenser. Allowance per fueling dispenser. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be within 2 mounting heights of the dispenser.
Not applicable
55 watts
77 watts
81 watts
135 watts
ATM Machine Lighting. Allowance per ATM machine. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be within 50 feet of the dispenser.
Not applicable
100 watts for first ATM machine, 35 watts for each additional ATM machine.
WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER UNIT LENGTH (w/linear ft). May be used for one or two frontage side(s) per site.
Outdoor Sales Frontage. Allowance for frontage immediately adjacent to the principal viewing location(s) and unobstructed for its viewing length. A corner sales lot may include two adjacent sides provided that a different principal viewing location exists for each side. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be located between the principal viewing location and the frontage outdoor sales area.
Not applicable
No Allowance
11 W/linear ft
19 W/linear ft
25 W/linear ft
WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER HARDSCAPE AREA (W/ft²). May be used for any illuminated hardscape area on the site.
Hardscape Ornamental Lighting. Allowance for the total site illuminated hardscape area. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be rated for 50 watts or less as determined in accordance with Section 130.0(c), and shall be post-top luminaires, lanterns, pendant luminaires, or chandeliers.
Not applicable
No Allowance
0.007 W/ft²
0.013 W/ft²
0.019 W/ft²
WATTAGE ALLOWANCE PER SPECIFIC AREA (W/ft²). Use as appropriate provided that none of the following specific applications shall be used for the same area.
Building Facades. Only areas of building façade that are illuminated shall qualify for this allowance. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be aimed at the façade and shall be capable of illuminating it without obstruction or interference by permanent building features or other objects.
Not applicable
No Allowance
0.100 W/ft²
0.170 W/ft²
0.225 W/ft²
Outdoor Sales Lots. Allowance for uncovered sales lots used exclusively for the display of vehicles or other merchandise for sale. Driveways, parking lots or other non sales areas shall be considered hardscape areas even if these areas are completely surrounded by sales lot on all sides. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be within 5 mounting heights of the sales lot area.
Not applicable
0.060 W/ft²
0.210 W/ft²
0.280 W/ft²
0.485 W/ft²
Vehicle Service Station Hardscape. Allowance for the total illuminated hardscape area less area of buildings, under canopies, off property, or obstructed by signs or structures. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be illuminating the hardscape area and shall not be within a building, below a canopy, beyond property lines, or obstructed by a sign or other structure.
Not applicable
0.006 W/ft²
0.068 W/ft²
0.138 W/ft²
0.200 W/ft²
Vehicle Service Station Canopies. Allowance for the total area within the drip line of the canopy. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be located under the canopy.
Not applicable
0.220 W/ft²
0.430 W/ft²
0.580 W/ft²
1.010 W/ft²
Sales Canopies. Allowance for the total area within the drip line of the canopy. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be located under the canopy.
Not applicable
No Allowance
0.470 W/ft²
0.622 W/ft²
0.740 W/ft²
Non-sales Canopies and Tunnels. Allowance for the total area within the drip line of the canopy or inside the tunnel. Luminaires qualifying for this allowance shall be located under the canopy or tunnel.
Not applicable
0.057 W/ft²
0.137 W/ft²
0.270 W/ft²
0.370 W/ft²
Guard Stations. Allowance up to 1,000 square feet per vehicle lane. Guard stations provide access to secure areas controlled by security personnel who stop and may inspect vehicles and vehicle occupants, including identification, documentation, vehicle license plates, and vehicle contents. Qualifying luminaires shall be within 2 mounting heights of a vehicle lane or the guardhouse.
Not applicable
0.081 W/ft²
0.176 W/ft²
0.325 W/ft²
0.425 W/ft²
Student Pick-up/Drop-off zone. Allowance for the area of the student pick-up/drop-off zone, with or without canopy, for preschool through 12th grade school campuses. A student pick-up/drop off zone is a curbside, controlled traffic area on a school campus where students are picked-up and dropped off from vehicles. The allowed area shall be the smaller of the actual width or 25 feet, times the smaller of the actual length or 250 feet. Qualifying luminaires shall be within 2 mounting heights of the student pick-up/drop-off zone.
Not applicable
No Allowance
0.056 W/ft²
0.200 W/ft²
No Allowance
Outdoor Dining. Allowance for the total illuminated hardscape of outdoor dining. Outdoor dining areas are hardscape areas used to serve and consume food and beverages. Qualifying luminaires shall be within 2 mounting heights of the hardscape area of outdoor dining.
Not applicable
0.004 W/ft²
0.030 W/ft²
0.050 W/ft²
0.075 W/ft²
Special Security Lighting for Retail Parking and Pedestrian Hardscape. This additional allowance is for illuminated retail parking and pedestrian hardscape identified as having special security needs. This allowance shall be in addition to the building entrance or exit allowance.
Not applicable
0.004 W/ft²
0.005 W/ft²
0.010 W/ft²
No Allowance
Security Cameras. This additional allowance is for illuminated general hardscape area. This allowance shall apply when a security camera is installed within 2 mounting heights of the general hardscape area and mounted more than 10 feet away from a building.
Not applicable
No Allowance
0.018 W/ft²
0.018 W/ft²
0.018 W/ft²

NOTE: Authority: Sections 25213, 25218, 25218.5, 25402 and 25402.1, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 25007, 25008, 25218.5, 25310, 25402, 25402.1, 25402.4, 25402.5, 25402.8, and 25943, Public Resources Code.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2024 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.