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(a) Buildings Covered. The provisions of Part 6 apply to all buildings:

1. That are of Occupancy Group A, B, E, F, H, I, M, R, S, or U; and

2. For which an application for a building permit or renewal of an existing permit is filed (or is required by law to be filed) on or after the effective date of the provisions, or which are constructed by a governmental agency; and

3. That are

A. Unconditioned; or

B. Indirectly or directly conditioned, or process spaces.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 100.0(a): Qualified historic buildings, as regulated by the California Historic Building Code (Title 24, Part 8). Lighting in qualified historic buildings shall comply with the applicable requirements in Section 140.6(a)3Q.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 100.0(a): Building departments, at their discretion, may exempt temporary buildings, temporary outdoor lighting or temporary lighting in an unconditioned building, or structures erected in response to a natural disaster. Temporary buildings or structures shall be completely removed upon the expiration of the time limit stated in the permit.

EXCEPTION 3 to Section 100.0(a): Buildings in Occupancy Group I-3 and I-4.

(b) Parts of Buildings Regulated. The provisions of Part 6 apply to the building envelope, space-conditioning systems, water-heating systems, pool and spas, solar ready buildings, indoor lighting systems of buildings, outdoor lighting systems, electrical power distribution systems, and signs located either indoors or outdoors, in buildings that are

  1. Covered by Section 110.0(a); and
  2. Set forth in Table 100.0-A.

(c) Habitable Stories.

1. All conditioned space in a story shall comply with Part 6 whether or not the story is a habitable space.

2. All unconditioned space in a story shall comply with the lighting requirements of Part 6 whether or not the story is a habitable space.

(d) Outdoor Lighting and Indoor and Outdoor Signs.

The provisions of Part 6 apply to outdoor lighting systems and to signs located either indoors or outdoors as set forth in TABLE 100.0-A.

(e) Sections Applicable to Particular Buildings.

TABLE 100.0-A and this subsection list the provisions of Part 6 that are applicable to different types of buildings covered by Section 100.0(a).

1. All buildings.

Sections 100.0 through 110.12 apply to all buildings.

EXCEPTION to Section 100.0(e)1: Spaces or requirements not listed in TABLE 100.0-A.

2. Newly constructed buildings.

A. All newly constructed buildings. Sections 110.0 through 110.12 apply to all newly constructed buildings within the scope of Section 100.0(a). In addition, newly constructed buildings shall meet the requirements of Subsections B, C, D or E, as applicable.

B. Nonresidential and hotel/motel buildings that are mechanically heated or mechanically cooled.

i. Sections applicable. Sections 120.0 through 140.8 apply to newly constructed nonresidential buildings and hotels/motels that are mechanically heated or mechanically cooled.

ii. Compliance approaches. In order to comply with Part 6, newly constructed nonresidential buildings and hotels/motels that are mechanically heated or mechanically cooled must meet the requirements of:

a. Mandatory measures: The applicable provisions of Sections 120.0 through 130.5; and

b. Either:

(i) Performance approach: Section 140.1; or

(ii) Prescriptive approach: Sections 140.2 through 140.10.

C. Unconditioned nonresidential buildings and process space. Sections 110.9, 110.10, 120.6, 130.0 through 130.5, 140.3(c), 140.6, 140.7, and 140.8 apply to all newly constructed unconditioned buildings and 140.1, and 140.3(c), for process spaces within the scope of Section 100.0(a).

D. Single-family buildings.

i. Sections applicable. Sections 150.0 through 150.1 apply to newly constructed single-family buildings.

ii. Compliance approaches. In order to comply with Part 6 newly constructed single-family buildings must meet the requirements of:

a. Mandatory measures: The applicable provisions of Sections 110.0 through 110.10, and 150.0; and

b. Either

(i) Performance approach: Sections 150.1(a) and (b); or

(ii) Prescriptive approach: Sections 150.1(a) and (c).

EXCEPTION to Section 100.0(e)2Diib: Seasonally occupied agricultural housing limited by state or federal agency contract to occupancy not more than 180 days in any calendar year.

E. Multifamily Buildings.

i. Sections applicable. Sections 160.0 through 170.2 apply to newly constructed multifamily buildings.

ii. Compliance approaches. In order to comply with Part 6 newly constructed multifamily buildings must meet the requirements of:

a. Mandatory measures: The applicable provisions of Sections 110.0 through 110.10, and 160.0; and

b. Either:

(i) Performance approach: Section 170.1; or

(ii) Prescriptive approach: Section 170.2(a) through (f).

F. Covered Processes.

i. Sections applicable. Sections 110.2, 120.6 and 140.9 apply to covered processes.

ii. Compliance approaches. In order to comply with Part 6, covered processes must meet the requirements of:

a. The applicable mandatory measures in Section 120.6; and

b. Either:

(i) The Performance approach requirements of Section 140.1; or

(ii) The Prescriptive approach requirements of Section 140.9.

Note: If covered processes do not have prescriptive requirements, then only the applicable mandatory measures in Section 120.6 must be met.

3. New construction in existing buildings (additions, alterations and repairs).

A. Nonresidential and hotel/motel buildings. Section 141.0 applies to new construction in existing nonresidential, high-rise residential, and hotel/motel buildings. New construction in existing buildings includes additions, alterations and repairs. Section 141.0 specifies requirements that uniquely apply to additions, alterations or repairs to existing buildings, and specify which requirements in other sections also apply. For alterations that change the occupancy classification of the building, the requirements specified in Section 141.0  apply to the occupancy after the alterations.

B. Single-family buildings. Section 150.2 applies to new construction in existing single-family buildings. New construction in existing buildings includes additions, alterations and repairs. Section 150.2 specifies requirements that uniquely apply to additions, alterations or repairs to existing buildings, and specifies which requirements in other sections also apply. For alterations that change the occupancy classification of the building, the requirements specified in Section 150.2 apply to the occupancy after the alterations.

C. Multifamily buildings. Section 180.0 applies to new construction in existing multifamily buildings. New construction in existing buildings includes additions, alterations and repairs. Section 180.0 specifies requirements that uniquely apply to additions, alterations or repairs to existing buildings, and specify which requirements in other sections also apply. For alterations that change the occupancy classification of the building, the requirements specified in Section 180.0 apply to the occupancy after the alterations.

4. Installation of insulation in existing buildings.

Section 110.8(d)3 applies to buildings in which insulation is being installed in existing attics, or on existing water heaters, or existing space conditioning ducts.

5. Outdoor Lighting.

Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.2, 130.4, 140.7, and 150.0; apply to newly constructed outdoor lighting systems, and Section 141.0 applies to outdoor lighting that is either added or altered.

6. Signs.

Sections 130.0, 130.3 and 140.8 apply to newly constructed signs located either indoors or outdoors and Section 141.0 applies to sign alterations located either indoors or outdoors.

(f) Mixed Occupancy.

When a building is designed and constructed for more than one type of occupancy (residential and nonresidential), the space for each occupancy shall meet the provisions of Part 6 applicable to that occupancy.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 100.0(f): If one occupancy constitutes at least 80 percent of the conditioned floor area of the building, the entire building envelope, HVAC, and water heating may be designed to comply with the provisions of Part 6 applicable to that occupancy, provided that the applicable lighting requirements in Sections 140.6 through 140.8, 150.0(k), or 160.5 and 170.2(e) are met for each occupancy and space, and  mandatory measures in Sections 110.0 through 130.5, 150.0, and 160.0 through 160.9 are met for each occupancy and space.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 100.0(f): If one occupancy constitutes at least 90 percent of the combined conditioned plus unconditioned floor area of the building, the entire building indoor lighting may be designed to comply with only the lighting provisions of Part 6 applicable to that occupancy.

(g) Administrative Requirements.

Administrative requirements relating to permit requirements, enforcement by the Commission, locally adopted energy standards, interpretations, claims of exemption, approved calculation methods, rights of appeal, and certification and labeling requirements of fenestration products and roofing products are specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 1, Sections 10-101 to 10-114;

(h) Certification Requirements for Manufactured Equipment, Products, and Devices.

Part 6 limits the installation of manufactured equipment, products, and devices to those that have been certified as specified by Sections 110.0 and 110.1. Requirements for manufactured equipment, products, and devices, when not specified in Title 24 Part 6, are specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 20, Sections 1601-1609.


All Buildings
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Envelope (conditioned)
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Envelope (unconditioned process spaces)
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
HVAC (conditioned)
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Water Heating
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Indoor Lighting (conditioned, process spaces)
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Indoor Lighting (unconditioned and parking garages)
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Outdoor Lighting
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Electrical Power Distribution
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Pool and Spa Systems
N. A.
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Solar Ready Buildings
Nonresidential, And Hotels/Motels
Solar PV and Battery Storage Systems
Covered Processes 1
Envelope, Ventilation, Process Loads
Indoor and Outdoor
150.1(a, c)
Envelope (conditioned)
150.1(a, c)
HVAC (conditioned)
150.1(a, c)
Water Heating
150.1(a, c)
Indoor Lighting (conditioned, unconditioned and parking garages)
150.1(a, c)
Outdoor Lighting
150.1(a, c)
Pool and Spa Systems
N. A.
Solar Ready Buildings
N. A.
Electric Ready
Solar PV Systems
Envelope (conditioned)
Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality
HVAC (conditioned)
Water Heating
Indoor Lighting
Outdoor Lighting
Electrical Power Distribution
Pool and Spa Systems
Solar Ready Buildings
Electric Ready
Solar PV and Battery Storage Systems
170.2(f), (g), (h)
1 Nonresidential and hotel/motel buildings that contain covered processes may conform to the applicable requirements of both occupancy types listed in this table.

NOTE: Authority: Sections 25213, 25218, 25218.5, 25402 and 25402.1, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 25007, 25008, 25218.5, 25310, 25402, 25402.1, 25402.4, 25402.5, 25402.8, and 25943, Public Resources Code

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2024 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.