EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.2(b)3: Systems with thermostats that require manual changeover between heating and cooling modes.
EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.2(b)3: Systems serving healthcare facilities.
EXCEPTION to Section 120.2(c)1: Thermostats that are integrated into the room heating and cooling equipment.
EXCEPTION to Section 120.2(e)2A: Thermostat setback controls are not required in nonresidential buildings in areas where the Winter Median of Extremes outdoor air temperature determined in accordance with Section 140.4(b)3 is greater than 32°F.
EXCEPTION to Section 120.2(e)2B: Thermostat setup controls are not required in nonresidential buildings in areas where the Summer Design Dry Bulb 0.5 percent temperature determined in accordance with Section 140.4(b)3 is less than 100°F.
EXCEPTION to Section 120.2(g): Zones designed to be conditioned continuously.
See Section 110.12 for requirements for Automatic Demand Shed Controls.
EXCEPTION to Section 120.2(i)8: FDD algorithms based in Direct Digital Control systems are not required to be certified to the Energy Commission.
Building Status | Applications | Qualifications |
Newly Constructed Buildings | Air-handling system and all zones served by the system | Individual systems supplying more than three zones and with design heating or cooling capacity of 300 kBtu /h and larger |
Newly Constructed Buildings | Chilled water plant and all coils and terminal units served by the system | Individual plants supplying more than three zones and with design cooling capacity of 300 kBtu /h (87.9 kW) and larger |
Newly Constructed Buildings | Hot water plant and all coils and terminal units served by the system | Individual plants supplying more than three zones and with design heating capacity of 300 kBtu /h (87.9 kW) and larger |
Additions or Alterations | Zone terminal unit such as VAV box | Where existing zones served by the same air-handling, chilled water, or hot water systems that have DDC |
Additions or Alterations | Air-handling system or fan coil | Where existing air-handling system(s) and fan coil(s) served by the same chilled or hot water plant have DDC |
Additions or Alterations | New air-handling system and all new zones served by the system | Individual systems with design heating or cooling capacity of 300 kBtu /h and larger and supplying more than three zones and more than 75 percent of zones are new |
Additions or Alterations | New or upgraded chilled water plant | Where all chillers are new and plant design cooling capacity is 300 kBtu /h (87.9 kW) and larger |
Additions or Alterations | New or upgraded hot water plant | Where all boilers are new and plant design heating capacity is 300 kBtu /h (87.9 kW) and larger |