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In this article the following definitions apply:

ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENTS are "acceptance requirements for code compliance" as defined in Section 100.1(b) of Part 6.

ACCEPTANCE TEST TECHNICIAN (ATT) is a Field Technician as defined in Section 10-102 who is certified by an authorized Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider to perform acceptance testing of either lighting controls or mechanical systems pursuant to the requirement of Sections 10-103.1 or Section 10-103.2, respectively. ATTs are authorized to perform only those acceptance tests for which they are certified by an ATTCP; ATTs certified to perform acceptance testing of lighting controls are sometimes referred to as “lighting control ATTs”, and ATTs certified to perform acceptance testing of mechanical systems are sometimes referred to as “mechanical ATTs”. (See “Field Technician” and “Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider”.)

ACCEPTANCE TEST EMPLOYER (ATE) is a person or entity who employs an Acceptance Test Technician and is certified by an authorized Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider pursuant to the requirements of 10-103.1 or Section 10-103.2. ATEs are authorized to employ only those ATTs for which they are certified by an ATTCP; ATEs certified to employ ATTs that perform acceptance testing of lighting controls are sometimes referred to as “lighting control ATEs”, and ATEs certified to employ ATTs that perform acceptance testing of mechanical systems are sometimes referred to as “mechanical ATEs”. (See “Acceptance Test Technician” and “Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider”.)

ACCEPTANCE TEST TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION PROVIDER (ATTCP) is an agency, organization or entity approved by the Energy Commission to train, certify and oversee ATTs and ATEs relating to either lighting controls or mechanical systems according to the requirements of Sections 10-103.1 or Section 10-103.2, respectively. ATTCPs are authorized to certify only those ATTs and ATEs for which they are approved by the Energy Commission; ATTCPs approved to certify ATTs and ATEs relating to the acceptance testing of lighting controls are sometimes referred to as “lighting control ATTCPs”, and ATTCPs approved to certify ATTs and ATEs relating to the acceptance testing of mechanical systems are sometimes referred to as “mechanical ATTCPs”. (See “Acceptance Test Technician” and “Acceptance Test Employer”.)

ACM means ‘ALTERNATIVE CALCULATION METHOD are compliance software, or alternative component packages, or exceptional methods approved by the Commission under Section 10-109. ACMs are also referred to as Compliance Software.

ACM APPROVAL MANUALS are the documents establishing the requirements for Energy Commission approval of Compliance Software used to demonstrate compliance with the Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings currently adopted by the Energy Commission.

ACM REFERENCE MANUAL is the document establishing the procedures required to implement Sections 140.1 and 150.1 of Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations in Compliance Software.

ADDITIONALITY is a property of solar offsets whereby the offset causes additional benefits beyond what would occur as a result of all other actions, and which would exclusively benefit the building or property for which the offset substitutes for compliance obligations that would otherwise be required for that building or property, and those benefits would not ever be transferred to other buildings or property.

ALTERNATIVE COMPONENT PACKAGE is a set of building measures whose aggregate calculated energy use is less than or equal to the maximum allowed Energy Budget.

APPLIANCE EFFICIENCY REGULATIONS are the regulations in Title 20, Section 1601 et. seq. of the California Code of Regulations.

APPROVED CALCULATION METHOD is compliance software, or alternative component packages, or exceptional methods approved under Section 10-109.

BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS are those regulations contained in Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.

BUILDING PERMIT is an electrical, plumbing, mechanical, building, or other permit or approval, that is issued by an enforcement agency, and that authorizes any construction that is subject to Part 6.

CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION is the California State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission.

COMMISSION is the California State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission.

COMPLEX MECHANICAL SYSTEM is defined here for the purposes of complying with the Design Phase Review component of Section 10-103(a)1. Complex Mechanical Systems are systems that include 1) fan systems each serving multiple thermostatically controlled zones, or 2) built-up air handler systems (non-unitary or nonpackaged HVAC equipment), or 3) hydronic or steam heating systems, or 4) hydronic cooling systems. Complex systems are NOT the following: unitary or packaged equipment listed in Tables 110.2-A, 110.2-B, 110.2-C, and 110.2-E, that each serve one zone, or two-pipe, heating only systems serving one or more zones.

COMPLIANCE APPROACH is any one of the allowable methods by which the design and construction of a building may be demonstrated to be in compliance with Part 6. The compliance approaches are the performance compliance approach and the prescriptive compliance approach. The requirements for each compliance approach are set forth in Section 100.0(e)2 of Part 6.

COMPLIANCE DATA EXCHANGE FILE is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that contains compliance data used to populate a Compliance Document. The Compliance Data Exchange File is part of the Compliance Registration Package.

COMPLIANCE DOCUMENT is any of the documents specified in Section 10-103(a) utilized to demonstrate compliance with Part 6 (i.e., Certificate of Compliance, Certificate of Installation, Certificate of Acceptance, and Certificate of Verification).

COMPLIANCE REGISTRATION PACKAGE means digitally signed or encrypted digital data that is transmitted to or from a Data Registry that contains the data required for registering a Compliance Document with a Data Registry, including the Compliance Data Exchange File. A commonly used method is the Zip file format, a data compression and archiving specification that is in the public domain. Files transmitted to or from a Data Registry using the Zip file format shall be password protected as described in JA7.

COMPLIANCE SOFTWARE is software that has been approved pursuant to Section 10-109 of Part 1.

CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA is the “conditioned floor area” as defined in Section 100.1(b) of Part 6.

CRRC-1 is the Cool Roof Rating Council document titled “Product Rating Program”.

DATA REGISTRY is a web service with a user interface and database maintained by a Registration Provider that complies with the applicable requirements in Reference Joint Appendix JA7, with guidance from the Data Registry Requirements Manual, and provides for registration of residential or nonresidential compliance documentation used for demonstrating compliance with Part 6.

  • RESIDENTIAL DATA REGISTRY is a data registry that is maintained by a HERS Provider that provides for registration, when required by Part 6 of all residential compliance documentation and the nonresidential Certificate of Verification, and complies with the Data Maintenance requirements of Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 8, Section 1670 et seq.
  • NONRESIDENTIAL DATA REGISTRY is a data registry that is maintained by a Registration Provider approved by the Commission that provides for registration, when required by Part 6 of all nonresidential compliance documentation, excluding all Certificates of Acceptance recorded by an acceptance test technician certification provider (Section 10-103.1 and Section 10-103.2). However, nonresidential data registries may not provide for registration of nonresidential Certificates of Verification.

DATA REGISTRY REQUIREMENTS MANUAL is a document that provides additional detailed guidance regarding the functional and technical aspects of the data registry requirements given in Joint Appendix JA7.

DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR is a person who prepares a Title 24 Part 6 compliance document that must subsequently be reviewed and signed by a responsible person in order to certify compliance with Part 6.

ENERGY BUDGET is the “energy budget” as defined in Section 100.1(b) of Part 6.

ENERGY COMMISSION is the California State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission.

ENFORCEMENT AGENCY is the city, county, or state agency responsible for issuing a building permit.

EXCEPTIONAL METHOD is a method for estimating the energy performance of building features that cannot be adequately modeled using existing Compliance Software and that is approved by the Executive Director.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR is the executive director of the Commission.

FIELD TECHNICIAN is a person who performs acceptance tests in accordance with the specifications in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7, and reports the results of the acceptance tests on the Certificate of Acceptance in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-103(a)4

HERS is the California Home Energy Rating System as described in Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 8, Section 1670.

HERS PROVIDER is an organization that administers a home energy rating system as described in Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 8, Section 1670.

HERS PROVIDER DATA REGISTRY is a data registry maintained by a HERS provider in compliance with requirements per Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 8, Section 1670 et seq.

HERS RATER is a person who has been trained, tested, and certified by a HERS Provider to perform the field verification and diagnostic testing required for demonstrating compliance with the Part 6 as described in Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 8, Section 1670(i).

HVAC SYSTEM is the “HVAC system” as defined in Section 100.1(b) of Part 6.

MANUFACTURED DEVICE is the “manufactured device” as defined in Section 100.1(b) of Part 6.

NFRC 100 is the National Fenestration Rating Council document titled “NFRC 100: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product U-factors.” (2017) NFRC 100 includes procedures for the Component Modeling Approach (CMA) and site-built fenestration formerly included in a separate document, NFRC 100-SB.

NFRC 200 is the National Fenestration Rating Council document titled “NFRC 200: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficients and Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence.” (2017),

NFRC 202 is the National Fenestration Rating Council document titled “NFRC 202: Procedures for Determining Translucent Fenestration Product Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence.” (2017).

NFRC 203 is the National Fenestration Rating Council document titled “NFRC 203: Procedure for Determining Visible Transmittance of Tubular Daylighting Devices.” (2017),

NFRC 400 is the National Fenestration Rating Council document titled “NFRC 400: Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Air Leakage.” (2017).

PART 6 is Title 24, Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.

PUBLIC ADVISER is the Public Adviser of the Commission.

R-VALUE is the measure of the thermal resistance of insulation or any material or building component expressed in ft²-hr-°F/Btu.

RECORD DRAWINGS are drawings that document the as installed location and performance data on all limited to wiring sequences, control sequences, duct and pipe distribution system layout and sizes, space conditioning system terminal device layout and airflow rates, hydronic system and flow rates, and connections for the space conditioning system. Record drawings are sometimes referred to as “as built” drawings.

REFERENCE APPENDICES are the support document for the Building Energy Efficiency Standards and the ACM Approval Manuals. The document consists of three sections: the Reference Joint Appendices (JA), the Reference Residential Appendices (RA), and the Reference Nonresidential Appendices (NA) currently adopted by the Energy Commission.

REFERENCE JOINT APPENDICES are the Reference Joint Appendices currently adopted by the Energy Commission.

REFERENCE NONRESIDENTIAL APPENDICES are the Reference Nonresidential Appendices currently adopted by the Energy Commission.

REFERENCE RESIDENTIAL APPENDICES are the Reference Residential Appendices currently adopted by the Energy Commission.

REGISTERED COMPLIANCE DOCUMENT is a compliance document that has been submitted to a residential or nonresidential Data Registry for retention, verified as valid with an XML schema approved by the Commission, and has gone through the registration process so that the Registered Document displays all applicable electronic signatures as well as the Registration Provider's digital certificate and the document's unique registration number. The image of the registered document is accessible for printing or viewing by authorized users of the Data Registry. The registered document’s unique visible registration number is appended onto the document image by the Data Registry.

REGISTRATION PROVIDER is an organization that administers a data registry service that conforms to the requirements in Reference Joint Appendix JA7.

STANDARD DESIGN BUILDING is a “Standard Design Building” as defined in Section 100.1(b) of Part 6.

NOTE: Authority: Sections 25402 and 25402.1, and 25213, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 25007, 25008, 25218.5, 25310, 25402 and 25402.1, 25402.4, 25402.5, 25402.8 and 25943, Public Resources Code.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2024 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.