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What is Title 24, Part 6?

Title 24, Part 6 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (the Energy Code) are part of the California Code of Regulations and are included in California’s overall Title 24 Building Standards Code.

California’s Energy Code promotes efficient building energy use to protect people and the environment. For example, the California Energy Commission estimates that single-family homes built in compliance with the 2022 Energy Code will use about seven percent less energy due to energy-efficiency measures versus those built under the 2019 Energy Code. Once rooftop solar electricity generation is factored in, homes built under the 2019 standards will use about 53 percent less energy than those under the 2016 standards. This may reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 700,000 metric tons over three years, equivalent to taking 115,000 fossil fuel cars off the road. Additionally, California’s energy codes and standards have helped keep California’s per capita energy consumption much lower than the rest of the nation for decades.

The Energy Code regulates state building energy efficiency requirements for residential, nonresidential and multifamily buildings, including newly constructed projects, additions and alterations in a variety of occupancy groups. See Energy Code Section 100.0 for more details on the scope of buildings covered.

Table 100.0-A, Application of Standards, maps overall occupancies and building components to applicable Energy Code requirements. The Energy Code regulates features including, but not limited to the ones detailed on the left.

Specific Energy Code requirements change for different code cycles. Building projects must comply with the Energy Code in effect at the time they are submitted for permit with the appropriate city or county building department. It is important to check with the authority having jurisdiction for any local variations to the building energy regulations.

The Energy Code provides a few ways to approach documenting compliance, including the Prescriptive Approach or Performance Approach. Mandatory measures must be met regardless of which compliance approach is used.

The California Energy Commission updates the Energy Code every three years. Specific Energy Codes are referred to by the year they are adopted rather than the year they become effective. For example, the 2019 Energy Code was adopted in 2019 but became effective on January 1, 2020. Regularly updating the Energy Code helps ensure that builders use the most energy-efficient and energy-conserving technologies and construction practices, while being cost-effective over the lifespan of a building. California’s energy-efficiency standards for buildings and appliances have saved consumers billions in lower electricity and natural gas bills. Development of the Energy Code is a public process and people may learn how to engage in the public process by visiting

This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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