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RA3.4 Field Verification of Installed HVAC System Components and Devices

RA3.4.1 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of these procedures is to verify that residential space cooling systems and heat pumps have the required components to achieve the energy efficiency claimed in the compliance documents. The procedures apply when a Fault Indicator Display (FID) is specified for split system equipment, or when an HSPF/HSPF2, SEER/SEER2, or EER/EER2 higher than the default is claimed. For dwelling units with multiple systems, the procedures shall be applied to each system separately.

The installer shall certify on the Certificate of Installation that the components required for compliance have been installed.

RA3.4.2 Fault Indicator Display (FID) Verification Procedure

The FID verification procedure shall consist of visual inspection to confirm that the FID is installed on the system, and that the manufacturer has certified to the Energy Commission that the FID model meets the applicable requirements of Reference Joint Appendix JA6. In addition, the space conditioning system shall comply with the procedures specified in Sections RA3.4.2.1, or RA3.4.2.2, or RA3.4.2.3.

RA3.4.2.1 Verification of installation of a FID with "self diagnostic reporting" functionality when outdoor air temperature is less than 55F

The space conditioning system installer shall use the weigh-in charging procedure in Section RA3.2.3.1 to comply with refrigerant charge requirements. HERS verification compliance for the refrigerant charge requirement shall be satisfied by visual inspection to confirm the system has a FID installed, and confirming the installed FID "self diagnostic reporting function" indicates FID sensors and internal processes are operating within the FID device's specified design parameters.

RA3.4.2.2 Verification of Installation of a FID that does not have "self diagnostic reporting" functionality when outdoor air temperature is less than 55F

The space conditioning system installer shall use the weigh-in charging procedure in Section RA3.2.3.1 to comply with the refrigerant charge requirements, and HERS verification compliance for the refrigerant charge requirement shall be delayed until a time when the outdoor air temperature is equal to or greater than 55F, at which time the procedure in RA3.4.2.3 shall be performed.

RA3.4.2.3 Verification of Installation of a FID when the outdoor air temperature is equal to or greater than 55F

When the outdoor air temperature is warmer than 55F, the space conditioning system installer shall use either the standard charge verification procedure specified in RA3.2.2, the weigh-in charging procedure specified in RA3.2.3.1, or an approved alternative procedure as specified in RA1, to comply with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. HERS verification compliance for the refrigerant charge requirement shall be validation of the FID installation when the outdoor air temperature is warm enough for the installed FID to perform a valid refrigerant charge test according to the FID manufacturer specification. The HERS Rater verification shall consist of operating the air conditioner in cooling mode for at least 15 minutes and performing a visual inspection to verify the FID reports the system is operating within acceptable parameters, or otherwise reports a system fault. If the FID reports that there is a system fault, the system does not comply with the refrigerant charge verification requirement.

RA3.4.3 Time Delay Relay Verification Procedure

When a system rating specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay shall be verified.

The procedure shall be:

  1. Turn the thermostat down until the compressor and indoor fan are both running.
  2. Turn the thermostat up so the compressor stops running.
  3. Verify that the indoor fan continues to run for at least 30 seconds.

RA3.4.4 HVAC System Verification Procedures

This section defines procedures for field verification of installed HVAC systems.

RA3.4.4.1 Rated Space Conditioning System Equipment Verification Procedure

When installation of specific matched system equipment is necessary for compliance with requirements for higher than minimum values for system HSPF/HSPF2, SEER/SEER2, or EER/EER2, the installed system equipment shall be verified according to the procedure specified in this section. The verification shall utilize certified rating data from the AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance at or another directory of certified product performance ratings approved by the Energy Commission for determining compliance.

The procedure shall consist of visual verification of installation of the following system equipment components and confirmation that the installed equipment is rated to achieve the required HSPF/HSPF2, SEER/SEER2 or EER/EER2 rating:

  1. The manufacturer name and the model number of the outdoor unit or package unit.
  2. The manufacturer name and the model number of the inside coil if applicable.
  3. The name of the product directory used to certify the system performance.
  4. The certification number of the installed system if certification numbers for listed products are published by the product directory.
  5. The HSPF/HSPF2, SEER/SEER2 or EER/EER2 value published by the product directory.
  6. The manufacturer name and the model of the furnace or air handler when a specific furnace or air handler is necessary to achieve the SEER/SEER2, or EER/EER2 rating.
  7. The specified metering device when a specific refrigerant metering device (such as a TXV or an EXV) is necessary to achieve the high efficiency rating.
  8. When a system rating specification includes a time delay relay, the installation of the time delay relay shall be verified according to the procedure in Section 3.4.3.

RA3.4.4.2 Rated Heat Pump Capacity Verification Procedure

When heat pump systems are installed, and verification of the installed heat pump system capacity is required, the installed heat pump equipment shall be verified according to the procedure specified in this section. The verification shall utilize certified rating data from the AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance at or another directory of certified product performance ratings approved by the Energy Commission for determining compliance (product directory).

The procedure shall consist of visual verification of the model numbers of the installed system equipment and confirmation that the installed equipment is rated to provide the required heating capacity:

  1. Record the manufacturer name and the model number of the outdoor unit or package unit.
  2. Record the manufacturer name and the model number of the inside coil if applicable.
  3. Record the name of the product directory used to certify the system performance.
  4. Record the certification number of the installed system if certification numbers for listed products are published by the product directory.
  5. Record the system's rated heating capacity at 47 degrees F published by the product directory.
  6. Record the system's rated heating capacity at 17 degrees F if the value is published by the product directory.

If the installed system rated heating capacities at 47 degrees F and 17 degrees F are equal to or greater than the values specified on the Certificate of Compliance, the system complies. If the product directory does not publish capacity ratings at 17F, then compliance with capacity at 17F is not required.

RA3.4.4.3 Variable Capacity Heat Pump Performance Compliance Option Eligibility Verification

When a performance certificate of compliance indicates a space conditioning system requires verification of the variable capacity heat pump (VCHP) compliance option eligibility requirements, the installed VCHP system shall be field verified to confirm compliance with the eligibility requirements as specified in this subsection RA3.4.4.3.

If field verification determines the VCHP does not comply with all eligibility requirements in this section, then the dwelling in which the VCHP is installed shall not be eligible to claim the VCHP performance compliance credit for that space conditioning system.

Compliance with Section 150.0(m)11 (Duct System Sealing and Leakage Testing) is not required for systems that use this VCHP performance compliance option. However, there are requirements to verify that VCHP system indoor unit ducts are located entirely in conditioned space that are specified as eligibility requirements for this compliance option.

Compliance with Section 150.0(m)13 is not required for systems that use this VCHP performance compliance option. However there are requirements for verification of minimum airflow rates for VCHP system indoor units that are specified as eligibility requirements for this compliance option.

  1. Low-static system certification for ducted systems. The manufacturer of ducted indoor units shall certify to the Energy Commission that the system is a VCHP that meets the definition of a low-static system as defined in 10 CFR Parts 429 and 430, Docket No. EERE–2016–BT–TP–0029, Federal Register Vol. 82, No. 3, January 5, 2017). The manufacturer's model number(s) shall be included in listings of certified-to-the-Energy Commission low-static pressure VCHP systems which will be published on the Energy Commission's website.
    If the installed VCHP system has ducted indoor units, then verification of the Energy Commission listings of certified VCHP systems shall confirm the installed system is included in the Energy Commission listings of certified low static systems.

    If the VCHP model is not included in the Energy Commission listings of certified low static systems, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  2. Non-continuous default fan operation certification for ducted systems. The manufacturer may elect to certify to the Energy Commission that their ducted indoor unit + outdoor unit combination does not operate the indoor unit fan continuously by default. This certification is required in order to receive credit for the non-continuous fan operation component of the VCHP compliance option credit.

    If the installed VCHP system has ducted indoor units, and the certificate of compliance indicates credit has been taken for non-continuous default fan operation, then visual inspection of the Energy Commission listings of certified VCHP systems shall confirm the installed system is included in the Energy Commission listings and the certification indicates the system is a type with indoor units that does not run the fan continuously during periods when there is no call for conditioning.

    If the model is not included in the Energy Commission listings of certified low static systems as a type with indoor units that does not run the fan continuously during periods when there is no call for conditioning, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.

    A revised certificate of compliance may be submitted to the enforcement agency that does not specify credit for non-continuous default fan operation.
  3. Refrigerant charge verification. The installed system shall have refrigerant charge verified in accordance with applicable procedures in RA3.2, as specified in Standards Sections 150.1(c)7A and 150.2(b)1Fii, or 150.2(b)1Fiii.

    If the system does not meet the refrigerant charge verification requirements, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  4. Low leakage ducts located entirely in conditioned space verification. Ducted indoor units shall be verified in accordance with the Verified Low Leakage Ducts in Conditioned Space procedure in Section RA3.

    If the system does not meet the RA3. requirements, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  5. Ductless space conditioning system indoor units located entirely in conditioned space verification. Ductless systems shall be verified in accordance with the ductless space conditioning system indoor units located entirely in conditioned space procedure in RA3. to visually confirm ductless indoor units are located entirely in conditioned space.

    If the system is not considered to be entirely in conditioned space according to RA3. requirements, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  6. Space-Conditioning System Airflow Supply to All Habitable Spaces. Field verification according to the procedure in RA3. shall confirm that airflow is supplied to all habitable spaces in a dwelling that specifies use of the VCHP compliance option.

    If space conditioning system airflow is not supplied to all habitable spaces in the dwelling as determined by the procedure in RA3., then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  7. Wall mounted thermostat in zones > 150 ft2. Field verification according to the procedure in RA3.4.5 shall confirm that VCHP space conditioning zones in the dwelling that are greater than 150 ft2 are controlled by a permanently installed wall-mounted thermostat.

    If a zone area served by an indoor unit is greater than 150 ft2, and the indoor unit is not controlled by a permanently installed wall-mounted thermostat located in the zone served by the indoor unit as determined according to the procedure in RA3.4.5, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  8. Non-continuous fan operation - field verification. If non-continuous indoor unit fan operation is specified for improved compliance credit for ducted VCHP systems in the CBECC-Res model, and thus the certificate of compliance indicates field verification of non-continuous indoor unit fan operation is required, then the system shall be field verified in accordance with the procedures in RA3.4.6 to confirm that the installed system's indoor unit + outdoor unit combination does not operate the fan continuously when the system thermostat is not calling for conditioning.

    If field verification according to RA3.4.6 determines the installed system's indoor unit + outdoor unit combination operates the fan continuously when the system thermostat is not calling for conditioning, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.

    A revised certificate of compliance may be submitted to the enforcement agency that does not specify credit for non-continuous default fan operation.
  9. Minimum airflow rate verification. Each new ducted indoor unit shall have airflow verified in accordance with the procedures in RA3.3 to confirm the airflow at full capacity in cooling mode is equal to or greater than 350 cfm/ton of nominal cooling capacity. 300 cfm/ton shall be verified for altered systems if required for compliance with the refrigerant charge verification procedure.

    For indoor units of single-split systems, the measured value for airflow in cfm shall be converted into cfm per ton by dividing the measured indoor unit airflow rate by the nominal tons of outdoor unit cooling capacity.

    For indoor units of multiple-split systems, the measured value for airflow in cfm shall be converted into cfm per ton by dividing the measured indoor unit airflow rate by the nominal tons of indoor unit cooling capacity.

    If the indoor unit does not meet or exceed the 350 cfm/ton minimum airflow rate required for new systems, or the 300 cfm/ton required for altered systems meeting the refrigerant charge minimum airflow rate, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  10. Air filter sizing. Ducted low-static VCHP indoor units with any length of duct shall have the air filters for the return air inlets verified to confirm the air filter sizing conforms to the procedures in i or ii below as applicable.
    1. Nominal 2-inch or greater depth air filters shall be sized by the system designer to accommodate a maximum allowable clean-filter pressure drop of 0.1 inch wc at the air filter's design airflow rate. Field verification of the system designers sizing methodology shall not be required for nominal 2-inch or greater depth air filters, however verification that the installed 2-inch or greater depth air filter is rated to meet a clean filter pressure drop of less than or equal to 0.1 inch wc at the air filter's design airflow rate shall conform to the procedures in RA3.1.4.8.

      If any of the indoor unit's applicable nominal 2-inch or greater depth air filters fails to meet the maximum 0.1 inch wc. clean filter pressure drop requirement as verified according to the procedure in RA3.1.4.8, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
    2. Nominal one-inch minimum depth air filters shall be allowed if the filter face area is sized based on a maximum face velocity of 150 ft. per minute at the air filter design airflow rate according to the procedures in RA3.1.4.7.

      All of the indoor unit air filters that are required to be sized and verified according to a face velocity specification shall comply with this subsection ii. If any of the indoor unit's applicable nominal 1-inch depth air filters has a face area less than the required face area determined according to the procedures in RA3.1.4.7, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.
  11. Air filter maximum pressure drop. Ducted low-static VCHP indoor units with any length of duct shall have the air filters for the return air inlets verified according to the procedures in RA3.1.4.8 to confirm the air filter is rated to provide a clean filter pressure drop less than or equal to 0.1 inch wc., at an airflow rate greater than or equal to the air filter's design airflow rate.

    If verification of the indoor unit's air filters according to the procedures in RA3.1.4.8 determines that one or more of the air filters does not provide clean filter pressure drop less than or equal to 0.1 inch wc., at an airflow rate greater than or equal to the air filter's design airflow rate, then the system does not comply with the VCHP compliance option eligibility requirements.

RA3.4.5 Verification of Wall-Mounted Thermostat

When compliance requires verification that a wall-mounted thermostat has been installed to control a space conditioning system's indoor unit operation, the system's indoor unit thermostat(s) shall be verified according to the following procedures. If a system has more than one indoor unit, then all of the system's indoor unit thermostats shall be verified according to this procedure.

  1. If the conditioned floor area (ft2) of the zone served by an indoor unit is not a criterion for determining the compliance requirement for wall-mounted thermostats, then skip to subsection (b) below.

    Otherwise, if the conditioned floor area (ft2) of the zone served by an indoor unit is a criterion for determining the compliance requirements for wall-mounted thermostats in the zone, then record the value in square feet for conditioned floor area served by the indoor unit.
    1. If the zone area size (ft2) criterion indicates that a wall-mounted thermostat is not required for the zone, then the indoor unit complies and no further thermostat verification is required for the zone served by the indoor unit.
    2. If the zone area size (ft2) criterion indicates that a wall-mounted thermostat is required for the zone, then perform the remaining steps (b) and (c).

  2. If possible, locate the wall-mounted thermostat that controls the indoor unit, and verify whether or not the thermostat controls the indoor unit by setting the thermostat to a cooling setpoint that is less than the room temperature, or alternatively by setting the thermostat to a heating setpoint that is greater than the room temperature.

    If there is no wall-mounted thermostat installed in the zone that controls the indoor unit, then the indoor unit does not comply.

    If there is a wall-mounted thermostat installed that controls the indoor unit, but it is not located within the zone served by the indoor unit, then the indoor unit does not comply.

  3. For a wall-mounted thermostat installed in the zone that controls the indoor unit located in step (b), by visual inspection determine if the thermostat is mounted permanently to the wall. Wall-mounted brackets or other means that facilitate non-permanent attachment of handheld thermostats to the wall do not meet this requirement.

    If the thermostat is not permanently mounted to the wall, then the indoor unit does not comply.

RA3.4.6 Verification of Non-Continuous Indoor Unit Fan Operation

When compliance requires field verification that an installed space conditioning system indoor unit does not operate the air distribution fan during periods when the space does not require heating or cooling, the system's indoor unit operation shall be field verified according to the following procedures. If a system has more than one indoor unit, then all of the system's applicable indoor units shall be verified according to this procedure.

  1. If possible, locate the manufacturer's indoor unit + outdoor unit combination in the Energy Commission listing of systems that have been certified by the manufacturer as systems that do not operate the air distribution fan during periods when the space does not require heating or cooling, which is located at:

    Record the result of the search for the system model(s). If the manufacturer's indoor unit + outdoor unit combination is not included in the CEC listing, then the indoor unit does not comply.
  2. Switch the system to heating mode.
  3. Switch on the heating system by setting the thermostat to a setpoint that is greater than the room temperature.
  4. Verify the thermostat activates the indoor unit airflow.
  5. Switch off the heating system by setting the thermostat to a setpoint that is less than the room temperature.
  6. Verify the indoor unit air circulation fan does not operate when the compressor is off, except for a fan overrun (fan off delay) of less than 10 minutes that may occur at the end of the compressor on cycle.
  7. Switch the system to cooling mode.
  8. Switch on the cooling system by setting the thermostat to a setpoint that is less than the room temperature.
  9. Verify the thermostat activates the indoor unit airflow.
  10. Switch off the cooling system by setting the thermostat to a setpoint that is greater than the room temperature.
  11. Verify the indoor unit air circulation fan does not operate the indoor fan when the compressor is off, except for a fan overrun (fan off delay) of less than 10 minutes that may occur at the end of the compressor on cycle.

If the system does not operate the indoor unit air distribution fan(s) during periods when the spaces served by the system do not require heating or cooling to meet the thermostat setpoint, then the system complies.

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