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NA7.6 Indoor Lighting Controls Acceptance Tests

NA7.6.1 Automatic Daylighting Controls Acceptance Tests

NA7.6.1.1 Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

  1. The daylit zones are shown on plans documents.
  2. The general lighting in skylit daylit zones, primary sidelit daylit zones and secondary sidelit daylit zones is controlled by automatic daylighting controls. In parking garages, the general lighting in the combined primary and secondary sidelit daylit zones is controlled by automatic daylighting controls.
  3. The automatic daylighting controls provide separate control for luminaires in each type of daylit zone. General lighting in overlapping skylit daylit zone and a sidelit daylit zone are controlled as part of the skylit zone. General lighting in both a primary sidelit daylit zone and secondary sidelit daylit zone are controlled as part of the primary sidelit daylit zone.
  4. All photosensors are not readily accessible to unauthorized personnel.

NA7.6.1.2 Functional Testing - Sampling

All photocontrols serving more than 5,000 ft² of daylit area shall undergo functional testing. Photocontrols that are serving smaller spaces may be sampled as follows:

For buildings with up to five (5) photocontrols, all photocontrols shall be tested. For buildings with more than five (5) photocontrols, sampling may be done on spaces with similar sensors and cardinal orientations of glazing; sampling shall include a minimum of one (1) photocontrol for each group of up to five (5) additional photocontrols. If the first photocontrol in the sample group passes the functional test, the remaining photocontrols in the sample group also pass. If the first photocontrol in the sample group fails the functional test, the rest of the photocontrols in the group shall be tested. If any tested photocontrol fails the functional test, it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test.

For each photocontrol to be tested, test each group of lights controlled separately by the photocontrol according to the protocol in NA7.6.1.4 and NA7.6.1.5. In all interior spaces other than parking garages, separate tests are conducted for daylighting control of the primary sidelit daylit zone and for daylight control of the secondary sidelit daylit zone. In parking garages, the tests are conducted on daylighting controls that control the combined area of the primary and secondary sidelit daylit zone.


NA7.6.1.4 Continuous Dimming Control Systems Functional Testing

Continuous dimming control systems provide more than 10 levels of controlled light output per zone.

  1. Reference Location. Identify the minimum daylighting location in the controlled zone (Reference Location) for each daylit zone type (skylit, primary sidelit, and secondary sidelit) in the space. This can be identified using either the illuminance method or the distance method and will be used for illuminance measurements in subsequent tests. For parking garages, the reference location should always be the farthest edge of the secondary sidelit daylit zone away from the opening or glazing.

    Illuminance Method
    The Reference Location is the task location with lowest daylight illuminance in the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires.
    Turn off controlled lighting and measure daylight illuminance within zones illuminated by controlled luminaires. (Note: turn the controlled lighting back on before proceeding to the No Daylight Test)

    Distance Method
    The Reference Location is the task location within the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires that is farthest away from daylight sources.
  2. No Daylight Test. Simulate or provide conditions without daylight. Verify and document the following:
    1. Document the reference illuminance at the Reference Location, which is the electric lighting illuminance level at the Reference Location.
    2. Automatic daylight control system turns on all controlled lighting to full light output (full design output, or full programmed output) unless it has been documented, such as in design documents, that continuous dimming luminaires have been intentionally tuned to less than full light output.
    3. Light output is stable with no visible flicker.
  3. Full Daylight Test. Simulate or provide bright conditions where the daylight illuminance is greater than 150 percent of the reference illuminance (measured during the No Daylight Test). Alternatively, provide simulated bright conditions by shining a bright light into the daylight sensor. Verify and document the following:
    1. The controlled lighting power reduction is at least 90 percent under fully dimmed conditions for non-parking garage locations. For parking garages, the controlled lighting power reduction is 100 percent under fully dimmed conditions.
    2. Only luminaires in daylit zones are affected by daylight control. If the daylighting control system controls luminaires outside of the daylight zones including those behind obstructions, the control system is not compliant.
    3. If a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) is claimed for daylight continuous dimming plus off controls in accordance with Section 140.6(a)2H; a compliant system shall automatically turn off the luminaires in order to pass the Full Daylight Test for daylight continuous dimming plus off controls. This portion of the Full Daylight Test does not apply to lighting systems that are not claiming a PAF for daylight continuous dimming plus off controls.
  4. Partial Daylight Test. Simulate or provide daylight conditions where illuminance provided only by daylight only at the Reference Location is between 60 and 95 percent of Reference Illuminance measured during the No Daylight Test. Verify and document the following:
    1. Measure that the combined daylight and controlled electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location is no less than the reference illuminance measured at this location during the No Daylight Test.
    2. Verify that the combined daylight and controlled electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location is no greater than 150 percent of the reference illuminance.
    3. Light output is stable with no visible flicker.
      (Note: only luminaires in daylit zones are affected by daylight control)
  5. Alternate Partial Daylight Test. When outdoor horizontal illuminance is at least 4,000 fc and where illuminance from daylight only at the Reference Location (Partial Daylight Illuminance) is no greater than 80 percent of Reference Illuminance measured at this location during the No Daylight Test. Measure the outdoor horizontal illuminance level and the daylight illuminance level, and do not proceed until the aforementioned illuminance criteria are met.
    Verify and document the following:
    1. Measure the Partial Daylight Illuminance at the Reference Location. This can be measured by turning the electric lighting off. (Turn the electric lighting back on before proceeding to next step.)
    2. Measure the combined daylight and controlled electric lighting at the Reference Location.
    3. This alternate partial daylight test is passed if the measured illuminance value (from Step 2) is no less than the Reference Illuminance measured at this location during the no daylight test and no greater than Partial Daylight Combined Illuminance Maximum (PDCIM).  In other words, the measured value must be within the following range in order to pass this test.  Reference Illuminance (from the no daylight test) ≤ measured illuminance value (from Step 2) ≤ PDCIM,where PDCIM = Reference Illuminance (from the no daylight test) + 0.40 x Daylight Illuminance (from Step 1)
    4. Light output is stable with no visible flicker.
    5. Only luminaires in daylit zones are affected by daylight control.

NA7.6.1.5 Stepped Switching or Stepped Dimming Control Systems Functional Testing

Stepped switching or stepped dimming control systems provide no more than 10 discrete steps of control of light output.

  1. Reference Location. Identify the minimum daylight location in the controlled zone (Reference Location) for each daylit zone type (skylit, primary sidelit, and secondary sidelit) in the space. This can be identified using either the illuminance method or the distance method and will be used for illuminance measurements in subsequent tests. For parking garages, the reference location should always be the farthest edge of the secondary sidelit daylit zone away from the opening or glazing.

    Illuminance Method
    The Reference Location is the task location with lowest daylight illuminance in the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires.
    Turn off controlled lighting and measure daylight illuminance within zones illuminated by controlled luminaires. (Note: turn the controlled lighting back on before proceeding to the No Daylight Test)

    Distance Method
    The Reference Location is the task location within the zone illuminated by controlled luminaires that is farthest away from daylight sources
  2. No daylight test. Simulate or provide conditions without daylight. Verify and document the following:
    1. Document the reference illuminance, which is the electric lighting illuminance level at the Reference Location.
    2. Automatic daylight control system turns on all stages of controlled lighting to full light output unless it has been documented, such as in design documents, that dimming luminaires have been intentionally tuned to less than full light output. 6.4.
    3. Light output is stable with no visible flicker.
  3. Full daylight test. Simulate or provide bright conditions where the daylight illuminance is greater than 150 percent of the reference illuminance (measured during the No Daylight Test). Alternatively, provide simulated bright conditions by shining a bright light into the daylight sensor. Verify and document the following:
    1. When daylight illuminance is greater than 150 percent of the design illuminance, lighting power reduction is at least 90 percent under fully dimmed conditions for non-parking garage locations. For parking garages, the lighting power reduction is 100 percent under fully dimmed conditions
    3. Only luminaires in daylit zones are affected by daylight control. If the daylighting control system controls luminaires outside of the daylight zones including those behind obstructions, the control system is not compliant.
  4. Partial daylight test. If the control system has one (1) to three (3) steps of control between on and off, test all control steps between on and off. If the control system has more than three (3) steps between on and off, testing three (3) control steps between on and off is sufficient to demonstrate compliance. If the control system has zero (0) steps between on and off, the partial daylight test is not necessary. For stepped switching control systems, steps in a controlled zone are achieved by turning some luminaires or groups of luminaires on or off without any steps between on and off.
    For each control stage that is tested in this step, the control stages with lower setpoints than the stage tested are left ON and those stages of control with higher setpoints are dimmed or controlled off. Simulate or provide conditions so that each control stage turns on and off or dims. Verify and document the following for each control stage:
    1. Measure that the combined daylight and controlled electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location is no less than the reference illuminance measured at this location during the No Daylight Test.
    2. Verify that the combined daylight and controlled electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location is no greater than 150 percent of the reference illuminance.
    3. Light output is stable with no visible flicker. (Note: only luminaires in daylit zones are affected by daylight control)
    4. The control stage shall not cycle on and off or cycle between dim and undimmed while daylight illuminance remains constant.

NA7.6.2 Shut-off Controls Acceptance Tests

NA7.6.2.1 Occupant Sensing Lighting Controls Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

  1. The occupant sensing lighting controls are shown on plan documents and are installed.
  2. Occupant sensing lighting control is installed per manufacturer’s instructions to minimize false triggering- such as to install an occupancy sensor away from HVAC diffusers to avoid probable false triggering.

NA7.6.2.2 Occupant Sensing Lighting Controls Functional Testing - Sampling

For buildings with up to seven (7) occupant sensors, all occupant sensors shall be tested. For buildings with more than seven (7) occupant sensors, sampling may be done on spaces with similar sensors and space geometries; sampling shall include a minimum of 1 occupant sensor for each group of up to 7 additional occupant sensors. If the first occupant sensor in the sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first occupant sensor in the sample group fails the acceptance test the rest of the occupant sensors in that group must be tested. If any tested occupant sensor fails it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test.

For buildings with up to seven multi-zone occupant sensors, all occupant sensors shall be tested. For buildings with more than seven multi-zone occupant sensors, sampling may be done on the space to choose up seven multi-zone occupant sensors from the space and all seven multi-zone occupant sensors shall be tested.

NA7.6.2.3 Occupant Sensing Lighting Controls Functional Testing

For each sensor to be tested do the following:

    1. The occupant sensing control turn the controlled lighting off or partially-off in 20 minutes or less from the start of an unoccupied condition. In addition:
      1. In the partially off state, partial off occupant sensing controls automatically reduce lighting power by at least 50 percent, or automatically reduce in one of the following:
        1. For corridors and stairwells that provide access to guestrooms and dwelling units of high-rise residential buildings and hotel/motels in which the installed lighting power is 80 percent or less of the valued allowed under the Area Category Method, reduce lighting power by at least 40 percent.
      2. For occupant sensing controls in parking garages, parking areas, and loading and unloading areas, the control has at least one control step between 20 to 50 percent of the design lighting power, or the controls has at least one control step between 20 to 60 percent of the design lighting power - for the controls serving metal halide luminaires with a lamp plus ballast mean system efficacy of 75 lumens per watt. In the partially off state, partial off occupant sensing controls automatically reduce lighting power by one control step.
  1. Occupied Test. Simulate an occupied condition in the controlled space. Verify and document the following:
    1. Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly.
    2. Immediately upon an occupied condition:
      1. The occupant sensing control or partial off occupant sensing control turns on controlled lighting; or
      2. The vacancy sensing control indicate a space is occupied and the controlled lighting can be turned on manually; or
      3. The partial-on occupant sensing control automatically turns on the controlled lighting at between 50 to 70 percent of controlled lighting power. After the partial-on stage, manual switches can be activated to turn on the controlled lighting at full controlled lighting power.

NA7.6.2.4 Multi-Zone Occupant Sensing Lighting Controls Functional Testing

This requirement applies to areas where multi-zone occupant sensing controls are required to comply with Section 130.1(c)6D for offices larger than 250 square feet.

  1. Occupied Control Zone Test. Simulate an occupied condition in the control zone controlled by the occupant sensor. Verify and document the following:
    1. Simulate an occupancy in a control zone. Immediately upon occupancy of the control zone, the occupant sensors turn on controlled lighting.
    2. Measure the illuminance at a location in the control zone where the light output is from the controlled lighting at full light output.
    3. Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.
    4. Status indicator or annunciator operates properly.
  2. Unoccupied Control Zone Test. In offices where two or more occupant sensors to create more than one control zones, simulate an unoccupied condition in the control zone controlled by the occupant sensor. Confirm that at least one other control zone within the office is occupied. Verify and document the following:
    1. In 20 minutes or less from the start of the unoccupied condition in the control zone, the occupant sensor uniformly reduces light output of the controlled lighting.
    2. Measure the illuminance at the same location as in Step (a). Verify that the light output during unoccupancy is no more than 20 percent of the full light output measured in Step (a)1.
    3. The occupant sensing control does not trigger a false on from movement outside of the control zone or from HVAC operation.(Informational note: The field of view of occupant sensors in the adjacent control zones in offices greater than 250 square feet may overlap, but the field of view should stay away from an adjacent enclosed spaces that is not part of the large office, like conference rooms, and private offices.)
    4. Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.
  3. Control Zone Size Test. Follow the procedures described in either Method 1 or Method 2 below.
    1. Method 1: Simulate an unoccupied condition in the control zone controlled by the occupant sensor while standing in an adjacent control zone. Determine the “edge” of the control zone controlled by the occupant sensor by moving toward the occupant sensor until the lights controlled by the occupant sensor turn on as in Step (a) – to simulate an occupied condition for that control zone. Measure, determine and document the following:
      1. Measure the distance (in feet) from the “edge” of the control zone to the spot that is directly below the occupant sensor. This is the radius of the control zone.
      2. Determine the area of the control zone by using the formula: Area = π*radius2.
      3. The area of the control zone must be less than or equal to 600 square feet.
    2. Method 2: Simulate an unoccupied condition for the entire office space. Verify and document the following:
      1. Walk thru the space and count the number of zones of lighting turned on automatically as walking thru the space.
      2. Document the number of zones being turned on. Determine the size of the office in square footage from construction plans or from other information source.
      3. Divide the size of the office by the number of zones. This calculated value is the assessed control zone size (in square feet).
      4. If the value is less than or equal to 600 square feet, it passes the test. Otherwise, it fails the test.
  4. Unoccupied Office Test. Simulate an unoccupied condition in all control zones controlled by all occupant sensors in the office. Verify and document the following:
    1. In 20 minutes or less from the start of the unoccupied condition of the entire office, all general lighting in the office shall turn off.

NA7.6.2.5 Automatic Time Switch Lighting Controls Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

  1. The automatic time switch controls are shown on plan documents and are installed.
  2. Automatic time switch control is programmed with acceptable weekday, weekend, and holiday (if applicable) schedules.
  3. Document for the automatic time switch programming including weekday, weekend, holiday schedules as well as all set-up and preference program settings.
  4. The correct time and date is properly set in the time switch.
  5. The battery back-up (if applicable) is installed and energized.
  6. Manual override time limit is set to no more than 2 hours.
  7. Manual override switches located remotely from area with controlled luminaires allow the user to see the controlled luminaires or have a visual signal or display showing the current state of the controlled luminaires.

NA7.6.2.6 Automatic Time Switch Lighting Controls Functional Testing

  1. Occupied Test. Simulate an occupied condition in the controlled space. Verify and document the following:
    1. The automatic time switch control turns the controlled lighting.
    2. Reserved
  2. Unoccupied Test. Simulate an unoccupied condition in the controlled space. Verify and document the following:
    1. The automatic time switch control turns off all controlled lighting.
    2. During test, for the area controlled by an automatic time-switch control with a configured automatic holiday shut-OFF, the controlled lighting can be turned off automatically by the holiday shut-OFF. For exempt areas, the lighting is not required to be configured with automatic holiday shut-OFF.
    3. For the area controlled by an automatic time-switch control with a time-override located in and for the area, verify the lighting can be turned on manually by initiating the time-override and the lighting is configured to remain ON for no more than 2 hours. For exempt areas, the lighting can be configured to remain ON for more than 2 hours and until the next scheduled shut off occurs.

NA7.6.3 Demand Responsive Controls Acceptance Tests

NA7.6.3.1 Construction Inspection

Prior to Functional testing, verify and document the following:

  1. The demand responsive control is setup to communicate in one of the following communication protocols: Wi-Fi, ZigBee, BACnet, Ethernet or other wired or wireless bi-directional communication pathway. (requirements of Section 110.12). The demand responsive controls is setup to communicate for the functional testing of NA7.6.3.2.

NA7.6.3.2 Functional Testing

There are three methods to verify the reduction in lighting power due to the demand responsive lighting controls. For methods 1 and 2, buildings with up to seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, all spaces shall be tested. For buildings with more than seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, sampling may be done on additional spaces with similar lighting systems; sampling shall include a minimum of 1 enclosed space for each group of up to 7 additional enclosed spaces. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group fails the acceptance test the rest of the enclosed spaces in that group must be tested. If any tested demand responsive lighting control system fails it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test. Method 3 tests the entire facility at once, does not require sampling, but requires the facility lighting to be disaggregated from other end-use loads.

Test the reduction in lighting power due to the demand responsive lighting control using one of the following three methods.

NA7. Method 1: Illuminance Measurement.

Measure the reduction in illuminance in enclosed spaces required to meet Section 110.12(c), as follows:

  1. In each space, select one location for illuminance measurement. The preferred measurement location is not in a skylit or primary sidelit area so that the illuminance meter is not in direct view of window or skylight. If this is not possible, perform the test at a time and location at which daylight illuminance provides less than half of the design illuminance. Mark each location to ensure that the illuminance meter can be accurately located.
  2. Full output test
    1. Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to full output. Note that for lighting system that has been task tuned, override the controls to allow the lighting system to go to full output. Note also that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupant vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off.
    2. Take one illuminance measurement at each location, using an illuminance meter.
    3. Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.
    4. Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.
    5. Calculate the area-weighted average reduction in illuminance in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition. The area-weighted reduction must be at least 15%.
  3. Minimum output test
    1. Determine illuminance at minimum output condition:
      1. Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupant vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off.
      2. Take one illuminance measurement at each location, using an illuminance meter.
    2. Determine illuminance at demand response condition:
      1. Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.
      2. Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.
    3. Determine compliance:
      1. In each space, the illuminance in the demand response condition must not be less than the illuminance in the minimum output condition (but not turned off).
        EXCEPTION: In daylit spaces, the illuminance in the demand response condition may reduce below the minimum output condition.

NA7. Method 2: Current measurement.

Measure the reduction in electrical current in spaces required to meet Section 110.12, as follows:

  1. At the lighting circuit panel, select at least one lighting circuit that serves spaces required to meet Section 110.12.
  2. Full output test
    1. Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to full output. Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupant vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off.
    2. Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit.
    3. Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.
    4. Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.
    5. Add together all the circuit currents, and calculate the reduction in current in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition. The combined reduction must be at least 15%.
  3. Minimum output test
    1. Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupant vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off.
    2. Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit.
    3. Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.
    4. Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition.
    5. In each space, the electric current in the demand response condition must not be less than the electric current in the minimum output condition.
      EXCEPTION: Circuits that supply power to the daylit portion of enclosed spaces as long as lighting in non-daylit portions of the enclosed space.

NA7. Method 3: Full facility current measurement.

Measure the reduction in electrical current of the full facility on the lighting end-use disaggregated circuit for spaces that are required to meet Section 110.12, as follows:

  1. At the circuit panel, select the circuit that serves the lighting load of the entire facility.
  2. Full output test
    1. Using the facility lighting controls, set the lighting system to full output. Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupant /vacancy sensors may be at less than full output or may be off.
    2. Take one electric current measurement on the circuit. This is your pre-event current.
    3. Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.
    4. Take one electric current measurement on the circuit. This is your post-event current.
    5. Calculate the difference between the pre-event current and the post-event current to determine your wattage reduction.
    6. Divide the wattage reduction by the total design wattage of lighting required to meet Section 110.12. The percent reduction in wattage must be at least 15%.
  3. Minimum output test
    1. Using the facility controls, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupant /vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output or may be off.
    2. Take one electric current measurement on the circuit. This is your pre-event current.
    3. Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control.
    4. Take one electric current measurement on the circuit. This is you post event current.
    5. The post-event current must not be less than the pre-event current in the minimum output condition.

NA7.6.4 Institutional Tuning Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Acceptance Tests

For buildings with up to seven (7) enclosed areas claiming the institutional tuning PAF (power adjustment factor), all areas shall be tested. For buildings with more than seven (7) areas claiming this PAF, random sampling may be done on seven of the larger enclosed areas with tuned dimming systems. If any of the areas in the sample group of seven areas fails the acceptance test, another group of seven areas must be tested. If any tested system fails, it shall be tuned until it passes the test.

NA7.6.4.1 Construction Inspection

Prior to functional testing, verify and document the following:

  1. The construction documents specify which lighting systems shall have their maximum light output or maximum power draw set to no greater than 85 percent of full light output or full power draw.
  2. The controls or the methods of controlling the maximum output of luminaires is such that the maximum light output of the controlled lighting system can be limited and that normal operation of the controlled lighting does not override the maximum light output.
  3. The controls are not readily accessible to unauthorized personnel.

NA7.6.4.2 Functional Testing

For each area to be tested, follow the procedures in Method 1 or Method 2 below:

  1. The acceptance test technician shall either observe the first seven (7) systems being successfully tuned or shall verify systems that have already been tuned using the sampling protocol described in NA7.6.4.
  2. If the acceptance test technician is observing the tuning of the system, the party responsible for the tuning shall certify that the remainder of the system is tuned in a similar manner.

NA7. Method 1: Observation of the Systems During Institutional Tuning

  1. Step 1: Determination of maximum power or light output prior to institutional tuning
    1. Set all lighting controls to provide maximum output of the tested system without applying the limits specified for institutional tuning.
    2. Measure the full light output at a location where the illuminance is due to the controlled lighting, or measure the power draw of the controlled lighting. Current measurements may be used instead of power measurements.
  2. Step 2: Institutional Tuning and Post-tuning Measurement
    1. Apply the limits specified for institutional tuning to the lighting system. Do not alter any other control settings.
    2. Verify the light or power reduction after institutional tuning by measuring the light output at the same location as in Step 1 or measure the power draw of the same circuit as in Step 1. Current measurements may be used instead of power measurements.
    3. If the light output or power draw measured in Step 2(b) is 85% or less of the light output or power draw measured in Step 1(b), the system passes this test; otherwise the system fails this test.

NA7. Method 2: Verification of Systems Already Tuned

  1. Step 1: Measurement of tuned lighting system
    1. Set all lighting controls except institutional tuning controls to provide maximum output of tested system. Controls set to maximum light output include but not limited to: manual dimmers, multilevel occupant sensing, and automatic daylighting controls.
    2. Measure full light output at location where most of the illuminance is due to the controlled lighting or measure power draw of the controlled lighting. Current measurements may be used instead of power measurements.
  2. Step 2: Measurement of lighting system with institutional tuning overriden
    1. Reset institutional tuning controls to allow full light output. Set all lighting controls to provide maximum output of tested system including but not limited to: institution tuning control, manual dimmers, multilevel occupant sensing, and automatic daylighting controls.
    2. Measure full light output at the same location as in Step 1 or measure the power draw of the same circuit as in Step 1. Current measurements may be used instead of power measurements.
    3. If the light output or power draw measured in Step 1(b) is 85% or less of the light output or power draw measured in Step 2(b), the system passes this test; otherwise the system fails this test.
  3. Step 3: Restore Institutional Tuning settings
    1. If the tested system passed the test in Step 2, restore the institutional tuning settings.

NA7.6.5 Demand Responsive Controls – Controlled Receptacles

NA7.6.5.1 Construction Inspection

Prior to functional testing, verify and document the following:

  1. That the demand responsive control is capable of receiving a demand response signal directly or indirectly through another device and that it complies with the requirements in Section 110.12.
  2. If the demand response signal is received from another device (such as an EMCS), that system must itself be capable of receiving a demand response signal from a utility meter or other external source.
  3. Verify that demand responsive controlled receptacles are installed.
  4. Verify if the receptacle has a permanent and durable marking for controlled receptacles or circuits to differentiate them from uncontrolled receptacles or circuits.
  5. Verify the receptacle is controlled by an automatic shut-off control.

NA7.6.5.2 Functional Test


For buildings with up to seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive controlled receptacles, an Acceptance Test Technician shall test all spaces.

For buildings with more than seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls:

  1. An Acceptance Test Technician may either:
    1. test all of the spaces; or
    2. test seven spaces and sample the additional spaces; with each sample to include a minimum of 1 enclosed space for each sample group of up to 7 additional enclosed spaces.
  2. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive controlled receptacle in a sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive controlled receptacle in the sample group fails, the Acceptance Test Technician shall test rest of the enclosed spaces in that group.


If any tested demand responsive controlled receptacle fails, it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test.


The acceptance test for each demand responsive controlled receptacle includes testing the reduction in receptacle power due to the demand responsive control using both of the following methods:

  1. ON Test
    1. Trigger the shut off control to turn the demand responsive controlled receptacle ON, or if the receptacle has a manual control turn the receptacle ON.
    2. Verify each controlled outlet has full voltage (125 V) present.
    3. Simulate a DR condition.
    4. Verify at each controlled outlet that zero voltage (0 V) is present (deenergized).
    5. Verify the controlled receptacle cannot be overridden to turn ON by the automatic shut-off controls or any manual control.
    6. Simulate a normal condition (non-DR condition).
    7. Verify each controlled outlet has full voltage (125 V) present.
  2. OFF Test
    1. Trigger the automatic shut-off control to turn the demand responsive controlled receptacle OFF or if the receptacle has an ON/OFF button, manually turn the receptacle OFF.
    2. Verify at each controlled outlet that zero voltage (0 V) is present (deenergized).
    3. Simulate a DR condition.
    4. Verify at each controlled outlet that zero voltage (0 V) is present (deenergized).
    5. Verify that the demand responsive controlled receptacle cannot be overridden to turn ON by automatic shut-off controls or any manual control.
    6. Simulate a normal condition (non-DR condition).
    7. Verify each controlled outlet has zero voltage (0 V) present.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2024 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.