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NA6.5 Responsibilities for Compliance

This section describes the responsibilities of energy consultants, designers, architects, builders, installers, and enforcement agencies when using the procedures of this appendix.

NA6.5.1 Energy Consultants, Designers, Architects

The person with responsibility for preparing the compliance documentation shall establish the inputs from the following:

  1. The center of glass U-factor, SHGC and VT shall be taken from manufacturers’ literature and determined using methods consistent with NFRC 100, NFRC 200, NFRC 202 and NFRC 203 procedures.
  2. The frame type (Metal, Metal Thermal Break, Non-metal) shall be verified from manufacturers’ literature and through observations of frame sections provided by the manufacturer.

For the Prescriptive Overall Compliance Method, the calculated values shall be entered on the prescriptive Certificate of Compliance form. In addition the Fenestration Certificate of Compliance Label Certificate must be also filled and located at the project site location in according to Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.

For the Performance Compliance Approach, the calculated values shall be entered and documented on the Performance Certificates of Compliance. In addition the Fenestration Certificate of Compliance Label Certificate must be filled and located at the project site location in according to Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.

For both the prescriptive and performance compliance method, the building plans shall contain a window schedule that lists the calculated values in which matches the Fenestration Certificate of Compliance form or improved thermal performance values than listed on the Fenestration Certificate of Compliance form. The specifications of the windows shall be consistent with the values used in this procedure, e.g. frame type glazing product, etc.

Permit applications must include fenestration U-factor, SHGC and VT values documentation for the building plan checker. This documentation must include a copy of the manufacturer’s documentation showing the Glazing Type information (center of glass U-factor, center of glass SHGC, center of glass VT, number of panes, coatings and the frame type (frame material type, presence of thermal breaks, and identification of structural glazing (glazing with no frame)) that is used to determine UT, SHGCT, and VTT. If the proposed design uses multiple fenestration products, manufacturer’s documentation for each fenestration product shall be attached to the plans. Manufacturer’s documentation must be provided for each unique combination of glazing and frame used for compliance and shall be located at the project's location.

If mixed fenestration is included in the compliance analysis, then the compliance submittal must clearly identify which are certified fenestration products, and which are non-certified fenestration products. In nonresidential buildings, non-certified fenestration products are limited to 200 ft2 of skylight area and altered vertical fenestration. In residential buildings, non-certified fenestration products are limited to 250 ft² in area, or 0.5% of the CFA, whichever is greater.

The manufacturer’s documentation and calculations for each product must be included in the submittal, and either the Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance or Performance Certificate of Compliance form must be included on the building plans. All non-certified fenestration products, including skylights, require a completed Fenestration Certificate of Compliance.

NA6.5.2 Builder and Installer Responsibilities

The builder must ensure that the fenestration (glass and frame) documentation showing the U factor, SHGC, and VT used for determining compliance is provided to the installer. The builder is responsible for ensuring that the persons preparing compliance documentation are specifying products the builder intends to install. The builder is responsible for ensuring that the installer installs glass with thermal performance equal to or better than the thermal performance used for energy compliance and that the frame type installed is the same as that used for compliance. The builder also must ensure that the field inspector for the enforcement agency is provided with manufacturer’s documentation attached to each Energy Commission's Fenestration Certificate of Compliance Label Certificate showing the thermal performance and method of determining thermal performance for the actual fenestration products installed. The builder should verify that these fenestration products are clearly shown on the building plans before fenestration products are purchased and installed. A copy of the manufacturer’s documentation and Fenestration Certificate of Compliance shall be located at the project location.

NA6.5.3 Enforcement Agency Responsibilities
NA6.5.3.1 Plan Checker

The enforcement agency plan checker or reviewer is responsible for ensuring that the plans identify all site-built fenestration and skylights occasionally residential site-built fenestration will be used and also identified on the Fenestration Certificate of Compliance form. The plan checker shall ensure that site-built fenestration and skylights using the alternate default procedure shall meet the following:

  1. Confirm that U-factors, SHGC and VT (for Commercial use only) values are clearly shown on the window schedules on the plans and documented on the energy compliance forms, and
  2. Confirm that manufacturer documentation of the Glazing Type and Frame Type has been provided for the each of the fenestration products using the procedure of this appendix and documents the Center of Glass values; and
  3. Verify the building meets the non-certified fenestration requirement (Nonresidential: up to 200 ft2 of skylight area, or an altered vertical fenestration; Residential: up to 250 ft² in area, or 0.5% of the CFA, whichever is greater); and
  4. For Nonresidential, confirm that a Fenestration Certificate of Compliance Label Certificate has been completed for each non-rated site-built fenestration product, or for Residential, verify that the non-rated site-built fenestration efficiencies match the building plans and energy compliance forms.
NA6.5.3.2 Enforcement Agency Inspector
  1. For Residential up to 250 ft² in area or 0.5% of the CFA, whichever is greater, of non-rated site-built fenestration is allowed. The inspector should verify the manufacturer’s label attached to each residential site-built fenestration product to ensure that it matches with residential energy compliance forms.
  2. For Nonresidential up to 200 ft2 of skylight area and altered vertical site-built fenestration are allowed for this alternative procedure. The field inspector is responsible for ensuring that the U-factor, SHGC and VT for the installed fenestration match the building plans and energy compliance forms. Inspection of the Commission’s Fenestration Certificate of Compliance Label Certificate shall match each of the Prescriptive Certificate of Compliance form or the Performance Certificate of Compliance forms for the installed site-built fenestration product.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2025 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.