- Reference ASTM E3158-18 for Whole Building Air Leakage Testing.
- Record interior and exterior weather conditions.
- Record average wind speeds.
- Record interior and exterior temperatures before the testing begins.
- Record site elevation in feet above sea level.
- Measure bias pressures with fans off and covered.
- Perform a multi-point pressurization test from at least +25 to +50 Pa (leakage is reported at 75 Pa, as attained or extrapolated).
- Record a minimum of 5 points between minimum and maximum induced pressures.
- Measure bias pressures at end of multi-point test with fans off and covered.
- Record interior and exterior temperatures.
- If the pressure exponent n is less than 0.45 or greater than 1.0 per Section 9.5.1 of ASTM E3158-18, then the pressurization test is invalid and shall be repeated.
- Reverse direction of fans.
- Measure bias pressures with fans off and covered.
- Perform a multi-point depressurization test from at least -25 to -50 Pa (optional).
- Record a minimum of 5 points between minimum and maximum induced pressures.
- Measure bias pressures at end of multi-point test with fans off and covered.
- Record interior and exterior temperatures after the testing is complete.
- If the pressure exponent n is less than 0.45 or greater than 1.0 per Section 9.5.1 of ASTM 3158-18, then the depressurization test is invalid and shall be repeated.