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Nonresidential and hotel/motel buildings shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections 120.6(a) through 120.6(g).

(a) Mandatory Requirements for Refrigerated Warehouses

Refrigerated warehouses that are greater than or equal to 3,000 square feet and refrigerated spaces with a sum total of 3,000 square feet or more that are served by the same refrigeration system shall meet the requirements of Section 120.6(a).

Refrigerated spaces that are less than 3,000 square feet shall meet the requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Regulations for walk-in coolers or freezers contained in the Appliance Efficiency Regulations (California Code of Regulations, Title 20, Sections 1601 through 1608).

1. Insulation requirements. Exterior surfaces of refrigerated warehouses shall be insulated at least to the R-values in Table 120.6-A.


MINIMUM R-VALUE (° F∙hr∙sf/Btu)
Floor with all heating from productive refrigeration capacity 1
Footnote to TABLE 120.6-A:
1 All underslab heating is provided by a heat exchanger that provides refrigerant subcooling or other means that result in productive refrigeration capacity on the associated refrigerated system.

2. Underslab heating. Electric resistance heat shall not be used for the purposes of underslab heating.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)2: Underslab heating systems controlled such that the electric resistance heat is thermostatically controlled and disabled during the summer on-peak period defined by the local electric utility.

3. Evaporators. New fan-powered evaporators used in coolers and freezers shall conform to the following:

A. Single phase fan motors less than 1 hp and less than 460 Volts in newly installed evaporators shall be electronically commutated motors or shall have a minimum motor efficiency of 70 percent when rated in accordance with NEMA Standard MG 1-2006 at full load rating conditions.

B. Evaporator fans served either by a suction group with multiple compressors, or by a single compressor with variable capacity capability shall be variable speed and the speed shall be controlled in response to space temperature or humidity.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)3B: Addition, alteration or replacement of less than all of the evaporators in an existing refrigerated space that does not have speed-controlled evaporators.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(a)3B: Coolers within refrigerated warehouses that maintain a Controlled Atmosphere for which a licensed engineer has certified that the types of products stored will require constant operation at 100 percent of the design airflow.

EXCEPTION 3 to Section 120.6(a)3B: Areas within refrigerated warehouses that are designed solely for the purpose of quick chilling/freezing of products, including but not limited to spaces with design cooling capacities of greater than 240 Btu/hr-ft² (2 tons per 100 ft²).

C. Evaporator fans served by a single compressor that does not have variable capacity shall utilize controls to reduce airflow by at least 40 percent for at least 75 percent of the time when the compressor is not running.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)3C: Areas within refrigerated warehouses that are designed solely for the purpose of quick chilling/freezing of products (space with design cooling capacities of greater than 240 Btu/hr-ft² (2 tons per 100 ft²)).

4. Condensers. New fan-powered condensers on new refrigeration systems shall conform to the following:

A. Design saturated condensing temperatures for evaporative-cooled condensers and water-cooled condensers served by fluid coolers or cooling towers shall be less than or equal to:

i. The design wetbulb temperature plus 20°F in locations where the design wetbulb temperature is less than or equal to 76°F;

ii. The design wetbulb temperature plus 19°F in locations where the design wetbulb temperature is between 76°F and 78°F; or

iii. The design wetbulb temperature plus 18°F in locations were the design wetbulb temperature is greater than or equal to 78°F.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)4A: Compressors and condensers on a refrigeration system for which more than 20 percent of the total design refrigeration cooling load is for quick chilling/freezing of products (space with design cooling capacities of greater than 240 Btu/hr-ft2), or process refrigeration cooling for other than a refrigerated space.

B. Design saturated condensing temperatures for air-cooled condensers shall be less than or equal to:

i. The design drybulb temperature plus 10°F for systems serving freezers;

ii. The design drybulb temperature plus 15°F for systems serving coolers.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)4B: Condensing units with a total compressor horsepower less than 100 HP.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(a)4B: Compressors and condensers on a refrigeration system for which more than 20 percent of the total design refrigeration cooling load is for quick chilling/freezing of products (space with design cooling capacities of greater than 240 Btu/hr-ft2), or process refrigeration cooling for other than a refrigerated space.

C. The saturated condensing temperature necessary for adiabatic condensers to reject the design total heat of rejection of a refrigeration system assuming dry mode performance shall be less than or equal to:

i. The design drybulb temperature plus 20°F for systems serving freezers;

ii. The design drybulb temperature plus 30°F for systems serving coolers.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)4C: Compressors and condensers on a refrigeration system for which more than 20 percent of the total design refrigeration cooling load is for quick chilling/freezing of products (space with design cooling capacities of greater than 240 Btu/hr-ft2 (2 tons per 100 ft2)), or process refrigeration cooling for other than a refrigerated space.

D. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers, evaporative-cooled condensers, adiabatic condensers, gas coolers, air or water fluid coolers or cooling towers shall be continuously variable speed, with the speed of all fans serving a common condenser high side controlled in unison.

E. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be less than or equal to 70°F for systems utilizing air-cooled condensers, evaporative-cooled condensers, adiabatic condensers, gas coolers, air or water-cooled fluid coolers or cooling towers for heat rejection.

F. Condensing temperature reset. The condensing temperature set point of systems served by air-cooled condensers shall be reset in response to ambient drybulb temperature. The condensing temperature set point of systems served by evaporative-cooled condensers or water-cooled condensers (via cooling towers or fluid coolers) shall be reset in response to ambient wetbulb temperatures. The condensing temperature set point for systems served by adiabatic condensers shall be reset in response to ambient drybulb temperature while operating in dry mode.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)4F: Condensing temperature control strategies approved by the Executive Director that have been demonstrated to provide at least equal energy savings.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(a)4F: Systems served by adiabatic condensers in Climate Zones 1, 3, 5, 12, 14 and 16.

G. Fan-powered condensers shall meet the condenser efficiency requirements listed in Table 120.6-B. Condenser efficiency is defined as the Total Heat of Rejection (THR) capacity divided by all electrical input power including fan power at 100 percent fan speed, and power of spray pumps for evaporative condensers.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)4G: Adiabatic condensers with ammonia as refrigerant.

H. Air-cooled condensers shall have a fin density no greater than 10 fins per inch.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)4H: Micro-channel condensers.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)4: Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems.


Outdoor Evaporative-Cooled with THR Capacity > 8,000 MBHAll350 Btuh /watt100°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT), 70°F Outdoor Wetbulb Temperature
Outdoor Evaporative-Cooled with THR Capacity < 8,000 MBH and Indoor Evaporative-CooledAll160 Btuh /watt100°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT), 70°F Outdoor Wetbulb Temperature
Outdoor Air-CooledAmmonia75 Btuh /watt105°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT), 95°F Outdoor Drybulb Temperature
Outdoor Air-CooledHalocarbon65 Btuh /watt105°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT), 95°F Outdoor Drybulb Temperature
Adiabatic Dry ModeHalocarbon45 Btuh /watt105°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT), 95°F Outdoor Drybulb Temperature
Indoor Air-CooledAllExemptExempt

5. Compressors. Compressor systems utilized in refrigerated warehouses shall conform to the following:

A. Compressors serving refrigeration systems that are not transcritical CO2, shall be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 70°F or less.

B. Compressors for transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems shall be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 60°F or less.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)5B: Compressors with a design saturated suction temperature greater than or equal to 30°F shall be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 70°F or less.

C. New open-drive screw compressors in new refrigeration systems with a design saturated suction temperature (SST) of 28°F or lower that discharges to the system condenser pressure shall control compressor speed in response to the refrigeration load.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)5C: Refrigeration plants with more than one dedicated compressor per suction group.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(a)5C: Compressors and condensers on a refrigeration system for which more than 20 percent of the total design refrigeration cooling load is for quick chilling/freezing of products (space with design cooling capacities of greater than 240 Btu/hr-ft2 (2 tons per 100 ft2)), or process refrigeration cooling for other than a refrigerated space.

D. New screw compressors with nominal electric motor power greater than 150 HP shall include the ability to automatically vary the compressor volume ratio (Vi) in response to operating pressures.

6. Infiltration barriers. Passageways between freezers and higher-temperature spaces, and passageways between coolers and nonrefrigerated spaces, shall have an infiltration barrier consisting of strip curtains, an automatically-closing door, or an air curtain designed by the manufacturer for use in the passageway and temperature for which it is applied.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(a)6: Openings with less than 16 square feet of opening area.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(a)6: Dock doorways for trailers.

7. Refrigerated warehouse acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a new refrigerated warehouse, or before a new refrigeration system serving a refrigerated warehouse is operated for normal use, the following equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements:

A. Electric resistance underslab heating systems shall be tested in accordance with NA7.10.1.

B. Evaporators fan motor controls shall be tested in accordance with NA7.10.2.

C. Evaporative condensers shall be tested in accordance with NA7.10.3.1.

D. Air-cooled condensers shall be tested in accordance with NA7.10.3.2.

E. Adiabatic condensers shall be tested in accordance with NA7.10.3.3.

F. Variable speed compressors shall be tested in accordance with NA7.10.4.

G. Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems shall be tested in accordance with NA7.20.1.

8. Transcritical CO2 gas coolers. New fan-powered gas coolers on all new transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems shall conform to the following:

A. Air-cooled gas coolers are prohibited in Climate Zones 9 through 15.

B. Design leaving gas temperature for air-cooled gas coolers shall be less than or equal to the design dry bulb temperature plus 6°F.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)8B: Design leaving gas temperature for air-cooled gas coolers in Climate Zones 2, 4, and 8 shall be less than or equal to the design dry bulb temperature plus 8°F.

C. Design leaving gas temperature for adiabatic gas coolers necessary to reject the design total heat of rejection of a refrigeration system assuming dry mode performance shall be less than or equal to the design dry bulb temperature plus 15°F.

D. All gas cooler fans shall be continuously variable speed, with the speed of all fans serving a common condenser high side controlled in unison.

E. While operating below the critical point, the gas cooler pressure shall be controlled in accordance with Section 120.6(a)4F.

F. While operating above the critical point, the gas cooler pressure setpoint shall be reset based on ambient conditions such that the system efficiency is maximized.

G. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be less than or equal to 60°F for systems utilizing air-cooled gas coolers, evaporative-cooled gas coolers, adiabatic gas coolers, air or water-cooled fluid coolers or cooling towers for heat rejection.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(a)8G: Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems with a design intermediate saturated suction temperature greater than or equal to 30°F shall have a minimum condensing temperature setpoint of 70°F or less.

H. Fan-powered gas coolers shall meet the gas cooler efficiency requirements listed in Table 120.6-C. Gas cooler efficiency is defined as the Total Heat of Rejection (THR) capacity divided by all electrical input power (fan power at 100 percent fan speed).


Outdoor Air-Cooled
Transcritical CO2
160 Btuh /watt
1400 psig , 100°F Outlet Gas Temperature, 90°F Outdoor Dry bulb Temperature
Adiabatic Dry Mode
Transcritical CO2
90 Btuh /watt
1100 psig, 100°F Outlet Gas Temperature, 90°F Outdoor Dry bulb Temperature

9. Automatic door closers. Doors designed for the passage of people that are between freezers and higher-temperature spaces, or between coolers and nonrefrigerated spaces, shall have automatic door closers.

(b) Mandatory Requirements for Commercial Refrigeration.

Retail food or beverage stores with 8,000 square feet or more of conditioned floor area, and that utilize either refrigerated display cases, or walk-in coolers or freezers, shall meet all applicable State and federal appliance and equipment standards consistent with Section 110.1 or, for equipment not subject to such standards, the requirements of Subsections 1 through 4.

1. Condensers serving refrigeration systems. Fan-powered condensers shall conform to the following requirements:

A. All condenser fans for air-cooled condensers, evaporative-cooled condensers, adiabatic condensers, gas coolers, air- or water-cooled fluid coolers or cooling towers shall be continuously variable speed, with the speed of all fans serving a common condenser high side controlled in unison.

B. The refrigeration system condenser controls for systems with air-cooled condensers shall use ambient drybulb temperature.

C. The refrigeration system condenser controls for systems with evaporative-cooled condensers shall use variable-setpoint control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint in response to ambient wetbulb temperature.

D. The refrigeration system condenser controls for systems with adiabatic condensers shall use variable setpoint control logic to reset the condensing temperature setpoint in response to ambient drybulb temperature while operating in dry mode.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(b)1B, C and D: Condensing temperature control strategies approved by the executive director that have been demonstrated to provide equal energy savings.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(b)1D: Systems served by adiabatic condensers in Climate Zone 16.

E. The saturated condensing temperature necessary for adiabatic condensers to reject the design total heat of rejection of a refrigeration system assuming dry mode performance shall be less than or equal to:

i. The design drybulb temperature plus 20°F for systems serving freezers;

ii. The design drybulb temperature plus 30°F for systems serving coolers.

F. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be less than or equal to 70°F.

G. Fan-powered condensers shall meet the specific efficiency requirements listed in Table 120.6-D.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(b)1G: Condensers with a Total Heat Rejection capacity of less than 150,000 Btuh at the specific efficiency rating condition.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(b)1G: Stores located in Climate Zone 1.

EXCEPTION 3 to Section 120.6(b)1G: Existing condensers that are reused for an addition or alteration.


160 Btuh/watt
100°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT),
70°F Entering Wetbulb Temperature
65 Btuh/watt
105°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT),
95°F Entering Drybulb Temperature
Adiabatic Dry Mode
45 Btu/watt (halocarbon)
105°F Saturated Condensing Temperature (SCT),
95°F Entering Drybulb Temperature
a See Section 100.1 for definition of condenser specific efficiency.

H. Air-cooled condensers shall have a fin density no greater than 10 fins per inch.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(b)1H: Microchannel condensers.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(b)1H: Existing condensers that are reused for an addition or alteration.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(b)1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G: Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(b)1: New condensers replacing existing condensers when the attached compressor system Total Heat of Rejection does not increase and less than 25 percent of both the attached compressors and the attached display cases are new.

2. Compressor systems. Refrigeration compressor systems and condensing units shall conform to the following requirements:

A. Compressors and multiple-compressor suction groups shall include control systems that use floating suction pressure logic to reset the target saturated suction temperature based on the temperature requirements of the attached refrigeration display cases or walk-ins.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(b)2A: Single compressor systems that do not have continuously variable capacity capability.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(b)2A: Suction groups that have a design saturated suction temperature of 30°F or higher, or suction groups that comprise the high stage of a two-stage or cascade system or that primarily serve chillers for secondary cooling fluids.

B. Liquid subcooling shall be provided for all low temperature compressor systems with a design cooling capacity equal or greater than 100,000 Btu/hr with a design saturated suction temperature of -10°F or lower, with the subcooled liquid temperature maintained continuously at 50°F or less at the exit of the subcooler, using compressor economizer port(s) or a separate medium or high temperature suction group operating at a saturated suction temperature of 18°F or higher.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(b)2B: Low temperature cascade systems that condense into another refrigeration system rather than condensing to ambient temperature.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(b)2B: Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems.

C. Compressors for transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems shall be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 60°F or less.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(b)2C: Compressors with a design saturated suction temperature greater than or equal to 30°F shall be designed to operate at a minimum condensing temperature of 70°F or less.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(b)2: Existing compressor systems that are reused for an addition or alteration.

3. Refrigerated display cases. Lighting in refrigerated display cases, and lights on glass doors installed on walk-in coolers and freezers shall be controlled by one of the following:

A. Automatic time switch controls to turn off lights during nonbusiness hours. Timed overrides for any line-up or walk-in case may only be used to turn the lights on for up to one hour. Manual overrides shall time-out automatically to turn the lights off after one hour.

B. Motion sensor controls on each case that reduce display case lighting power by at least 50 percent within 30 minutes after the area near the case is vacated.

4. Refrigeration heat recovery.

A. HVAC systems shall utilize heat recovery from refrigeration system(s) for space heating, using no less than 25 percent of the sum of the design Total Heat of Rejection of all refrigeration systems that have individual Total Heat of Rejection values of 150,000 Btu/h or greater at design conditions.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(b)4A: Stores located in Climate Zone 15.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(b)4A: HVAC systems or refrigeration systems that are reused for an addition or alteration.

EXCEPTION 3 to Section 120.6(b)4A: Stores where the design Total Heat of Rejection of all refrigeration systems is less than or equal to 500,000 Btu/h.

B. The increase in hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant charge associated with refrigeration heat recovery equipment and piping shall be no greater than 0.35 lbs per 1,000 Btu/h of heat recovery heating capacity.

5. Transcritical CO2 Gas Coolers. New fan-powered gas coolers in all new transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems shall conform to the following:

A. Air-cooled gas coolers are prohibited in Climate Zones 10 through 15.

B. Design leaving gas temperature for air-cooled gas coolers shall be less than or equal to the design dry bulb temperature plus 6°F.

C. Design leaving gas temperature for adiabatic gas coolers necessary to reject the design total heat of rejection of a refrigeration system assuming dry mode performance shall be less than or equal to the design dry bulb temperature plus 15°F.

D. All gas cooler fans shall be continuously variable speed, with the speed of all fans serving a common condenser high side controlled in unison.

E. While operating below the critical point, the gas cooler pressure shall be controlled in accordance with Section 120.6(b)1A.

F. While operating above the critical point, the gas cooler pressure setpoint shall be reset based on ambient conditions such that the system efficiency is maximized.

G. The minimum condensing temperature setpoint shall be less than or equal to 60°F for air-cooled gas coolers, evaporative-cooled gas coolers, adiabatic gas coolers, air or water-cooled fluid coolers or cooling towers.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(b)5G: Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems with a design intermediate saturated suction temperature greater than or equal to 30°F shall have a minimum condensing temperature setpoint of 70°F or less.

H. Fan-powered gas cooler shall meet the condenser efficiency requirements listed in Table 120.6-E, Gas cooler efficiency is defined as the Total Heat of Rejection (THR) capacity divided by all electrical input power (fan power at 100 percent fan speed).


Outdoor Air-Cooled
Transcritical CO2
160 Btuh /watt
1400 psig,
100°F Outlet Gas Temperature,
90°F Outdoor Dry bulb Temperature
Adiabatic Dry Mode
Transcritical CO2
90 Btuh /watt
1100 psig,
100°F Outlet Gas Temperature,
90°F Outdoor Dry bulb Temperature

6. Commercial refrigeration acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a new retail food or beverage store, or before a new refrigeration system serving a retail food or beverage store is operated for normal use, the following equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements. Transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems shall be tested in accordance with NA7.20.1.

(c) Mandatory requirements for enclosed parking garages. Enclosed Parking Garages. Mechanical ventilation systems for enclosed parking garages where the total design exhaust rate for the garage is greater than or equal to 10,000 cfm shall conform to all of the following:

1. Automatically detect contaminant levels and stage fans or modulate fan airflow rates to 50 percent or less of design capacity provided acceptable contaminant levels are maintained.

2. Have controls and/or devices that will result in fan motor demand of no more than 30 percent of design wattage at 50 percent of design airflow.

3. CO shall be monitored with at least one sensor per 5,000 square feet, with the sensor located in the highest expected concentration locations, with at least two sensors per proximity zone. A proximity zone is defined as an area that is isolated from other areas either by floor or other impenetrable obstruction.

4. CO concentration at all sensors is maintained at 25 ppm or less at all times.

5. The ventilation rate shall be at least 0.15 cfm/ft2 when the garage is scheduled to be occupied.

6. The system shall maintain the garage at negative or neutral pressure relative to other occupiable spaces when the garage is scheduled to be occupied.

7. CO sensors shall be:

A. Certified by the manufacturer to be accurate within plus or minus 5 percent of measurement.

B. Factory calibrated.

C. Certified by the manufacturer to drift no more than 5 percent per year.

D. Certified by the manufacturer to require calibration no more frequently than once a year.

E. Monitored by a control system. The system shall have logic that automatically checks for sensor failure by the following means. Upon detection of a failure, the system shall reset to design ventilation rates and transmit an alarm to the facility operators.

i. If any sensor has not been calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommendations within the specified calibration period, the sensor has failed.

ii. During unoccupied periods the system compares the readings of all sensors, e.g., if any sensor is more than 15 ppm above or below the average of all sensors for longer than four hours, the sensor has failed.

iii. During occupied periods the system compares the readings of sensors in the same proximity zone, e.g., if the 30 minute rolling average for any sensor in a proximity zone is more than 15 ppm above or below the 30 minute rolling average for other sensor(s) in that proximity zone, the sensor has failed.

8. Parking garage ventilation system acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a parking garage system subject to Section 120.6(c), the following equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements specified in NA7.12.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(c): Any garage, or portion of a garage, where more than 20 percent of the vehicles expected to be stored have nongasoline combustion engines.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(c): Additions and alterations to existing garages where less than 10,000 cfm of new exhaust capacity is being added.

(d) Mandatory requirements for process boilers.

1. Combustion air positive shut-off shall be provided on all newly installed process boilers as follows:

A. All process boilers with an input capacity of 2.5 MMBtu/h (2,500,000 Btu/h) and above, in which the boiler is designed to operate with a nonpositive vent static pressure.

B. All process boilers where one stack serves two or more boilers with a total combined input capacity per stack of 2.5 MMBtu/h (2,500,000 Btu/h).

2. Process boiler combustion air fans with motors 10 horsepower or larger shall meet one of the following for newly installed boilers:

A. The fan motor shall be driven by a variable speed drive; or

B. The fan motor shall include controls that limit the fan motor demand to no more than 30 percent of the total design wattage at 50 percent of design air volume.

3. Newly installed process boilers with an input capacity greater than 5 MMBtu/h (5,000,000 Btu/h) shall maintain stack-gas oxygen concentrations at less than or equal to 3.0 percent by volume on a dry basis over firing rates of 20 to 100 percent. Combustion air volume shall be controlled with respect to measured flue gas oxygen concentration. Use of a common gas and combustion air control linkage or jack shaft is prohibited.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(d)3: Boilers with steady state full-load combustion efficiency 90 percent or higher.

(e) Mandatory requirements for compressed air systems.

All new compressed air systems, and all additions or alterations of compressed air systems where the total combined horsepower (hp) of the compressor(s) is 25 hp or more shall meet the requirements of Subsections 1 through 5. These requirements apply to the compressors, related piping systems, and related controls that provide compressed air and do not apply to any equipment or controls that use or process the compressed air.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(e): Medical gas compressed air systems serving healthcare facilities.

1. Trim compressor and storage. The compressed air system shall be equipped with an appropriately sized trim compressor and primary storage to provide acceptable performance across the range of the system and to avoid control gaps. The compressed air system shall comply with Subsection A or B below:

A. The compressed air system shall include one or more variable speed drive (VSD) compressors. For systems with more than one compressor, the total combined capacity of the VSD compressor(s) acting as trim compressors must be at least 1.25 times the largest net capacity increment between combinations of compressors. The compressed air system shall include primary storage of at least one gallon per actual cubic feet per minute (acfm) of the largest trim compressor; or,

B. The compressed air system shall include a compressor or set of compressors with total effective trim capacity at least the size of the largest net capacity increment between combinations of compressors, or the size of the smallest compressor, whichever is larger. The total effective trim capacity of single compressor systems shall cover at least the range from 70 percent to 100 percent of rated capacity. The effective trim capacity of a compressor is the size of the continuous operational range where the specific power of the compressor (kW/100 acfm) is within 15 percent of the specific power at its most efficient operating point. The total effective trim capacity of the system is the sum of the effective trim capacity of the trim compressors. The system shall include primary storage of at least 2 gallons per acfm of the largest trim compressor.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(e)1: Alterations where the total combined added or replaced compressor horsepower is less than the average per-compressor horsepower of all compressors in the system.

EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.6(e)1: Alterations where all added or replaced compressors are variable speed drive (VSD) compressors and compressed air system includes primary storage of at least one gallon per actual cubic feet per minute (acfm) of the largest trim compressor.

EXCEPTION 3 to Section 120.6(e)1: Compressed air systems that have been approved by the Energy Commission Executive Director as having demonstrated that the system serves loads for which typical air demand fluctuates less than 10 percent.

EXCEPTION 4 to Section 120.6(e)1: Alterations of existing compressed air systems that include one or more centrifugal compressors.

2. Controls. Compressed air systems with three or more compressors and a combined horsepower rating of more than 100 hp shall operate with controls that are able to choose the most energy efficient combination and loading of compressors within the system based on the current compressed air demand.

3. Monitoring. Compressed air systems having a combined horsepower rating equal to or greater than 100 hp shall have an energy and air demand monitoring system with the following minimum requirements:

A. Measurement of system pressure.

B. Measurement of amps or power of each compressor.

C. Measurement or determination of total airflow from compressors in cfm.

D. Data logging of pressure, power in kW, airflow in cfm, and compressed air system specific efficiency in kW/100 cfm at intervals of 5 minutes or less.

E. Maintained data storage of at least the most recent 24 months.

F. Visual trending display of each recorded point, load, and specific energy.

4. Leak testing of compressed air piping. Compressed air system piping greater than 50 adjoining feet in length shall be pressure tested after being isolated from the compressed air supply and end uses. The piping shall be pressurized to the design pressure and test pressures shall be held for a length of time at the discretion of the authority having jurisdiction, but in no case for less than 30 minutes, with no perceptible drop in pressure.

If dial gauges are used for conducting this test, these gauges must conform with California Plumbing Code Sections 318.3, 318.4, and 318.5.

Piping less than or equal to 50 adjoining feet in length shall be pressurized and inspected. Connections shall be tested with a noncorrosive leak-detecting fluid or other leak detecting methods at the discretion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.

5. Pipe sizing. Compressed air piping greater than 50 adjoining feet in length shall be designed and installed to minimize frictional losses in the distribution network. These piping installations shall meet the requirements of Section 120.6(e)5A and either Section 120.6(e)5B or 120.6(e)5C:

A. Service line piping shall have inner diameters greater than or equal to ¾ inch. Service line piping are pipes that deliver compressed air from distribution piping to end uses.

B. Piping section average velocity. Compressor room interconnection and main header piping shall be sized so that at coincident peak flow conditions, the average velocity in the segment of pipe is no greater than 20 ft/sec. Compressor room interconnection and main header piping are the pipes that deliver compressed air from the compressor outlets to the inlet to the distribution piping. Each segment of distribution and service piping shall be sized so that at coincident peak flow conditions, the average velocity in the segment of pipe is no greater than 30 ft/sec. Distribution piping are pipes that deliver compressed air from the compressor room interconnection piping or main header piping to the service line piping.

C. Piping total pressure drop. Piping shall be designed such that piping frictional pressure loss at coincident peak loads is less than 5 percent of operating pressure between the compressor and end use or end use regulator.

6. Compressed Air System Acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for a compressed air system subject to Section 120.6(e), the equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements specified in NA7.13.

(f) Mandatory requirements for elevators. Elevators shall meet the following requirements:

1. The light power density for the luminaires inside the elevator cab shall be no greater than 0.6 watts per square foot.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(f)1: Interior signal lighting and interior display lighting are not included in the calculation of lighting power density.

2. Elevator cab ventilation fans for cabs without space conditioning shall not exceed 0.33 watts per cfm as measured at maximum speed.

3. When the elevator cab is stopped and unoccupied with doors closed for over 15 minutes, the cab interior lighting and ventilation fans shall be switched off until elevator cab operation resumes.

4. Lighting and ventilation shall remain operational in the event that the elevator cabin gets stuck when passengers are in the cabin.

5. Elevator Lighting and Ventilation Control Acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for elevators subject to 120.6(f), the following equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirement for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements specified in NA7.14.

EXCEPTION to Section 120.6(f): Elevators located in healthcare facilities.

(g) Mandatory requirements for escalators and moving walkways.

1. Escalators and moving walkways located in airports, hotels, and transportation function areas shall automatically slow to the minimum permitted speed in accordance with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 when not conveying passengers.

2. Escalators and Moving Walkways Acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for escalators and moving walkways subject to 120.6(g), the following equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirement for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements specified in NA7.15.

(h) Mandatory requirements for Controlled Environment Horticulture (CEH) spaces.

1. Indoor growing, dehumidification. Dehumidification equipment shall be one of the following:

A. Dehumidifiers subject to regulation under federal appliance standards tested in accordance with 10 CFR 430.23(z) and Appendix X or X1 to Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 430 as applicable, and complying with 10 CFR 430.32(v)2;

B. Integrated HVAC system with on-site heat recovery designed to fulfill at least 75 percent of the annual energy for dehumidification reheat;

C. Chilled water system with on-site heat recovery designed to fulfill at least 75 percent of the annual energy for dehumidification reheat; or

D. Solid or liquid desiccant dehumidification system for system designs that require dewpoint of 50°F or less.

2. Indoor growing, horticultural lighting. In a building with CEH spaces and with more than 40 kW of aggregate horticultural lighting load, the electric lighting systems used for plant growth and plant maintenance shall meet the all of the following requirements:

A. The horticultural lighting systems shall have a photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE) rated in accordance with ANSI/ASABE S640 for wavelengths from 400 to 700 nanometers and meet one of the following requirements:

i. Integrated, nonserviceable luminaires shall have a rated PPE of at least 1.9 micromoles per joule; or

ii. Luminaires with removable or serviceable lamps shall have lamps with a rated PPE of at least 1.9 micromoles per joule.

B. Time-switch lighting controls shall be installed and comply with Section 110.9(b)1, Section 130.4(a)4, and applicable sections of NA7.6.2.

C. Multilevel lighting controls shall be installed and comply with Section 130.1(b).

3. Indoor growing, electrical power distribution systems. Electrical power distribution systems serving CEH spaces shall be designed so that a measurement device is capable of monitoring the electrical energy usage of aggregate horticultural lighting load.

4. Conditioned greenhouses, building envelope. Conditioned greenhouses shall meet the following requirements:

A. Opaque wall and opaque roof assembly shall meet the requirements of Section 120.7; and

B. Nonopaque envelopes shall have two or more glazings separated by either air or gas fill.

5. Conditioned greenhouses, space-conditioning systems. Space-conditioning systems used for plant production shall comply with all applicable requirements.

6. Greenhouses, horticultural lighting. In a greenhouse with more than 40 kW of aggregate horticultural lighting load, the electric lighting system used for plant growth and plant maintenance shall meet the following requirements:

A. The horticultural lighting systems shall have a photosynthetic photon efficacy (PPE) rated in accordance with ANSI/ASABE S640 for wavelengths from 400 to 700 nanometers and meet one of the following requirements:

i. Integrated, nonserviceable luminaires shall have a rated PPE of at least 1.7 micromoles per joule; or

ii. Luminaires with removable or serviceable lamps shall have lamps with a rated PPE of at least 1.7 micromoles per joule.

B. Time-switch lighting controls shall be installed and comply with Section 110.9(b)1, Section 130.4(a)4, and applicable sections of Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.6.2.

C. Multilevel lighting controls shall be installed and comply with Section 130.1(b).

(i) Mandatory requirements for steam traps. Steam traps in new industrial facilities and new steam traps added to support new, nonreplacement, process equipment in existing industrial facilities where the installed steam trap operating pressure, which is the steam pressure entering the steam trap during normal design operating conditions, is greater than 15 psig and the total combined connected boiler input rating is greater than 5 Million Btu/hr, shall meet the following requirements:

1. Central steam trap fault detection and diagnostics monitoring. Steam trap systems shall be equipped with a central steam trap monitoring system that:

A. Provides a status update of all steam trap fault detection sensors at no greater than 8 hour intervals.

B. Automatically displays an alarm that identifies which steam trap has fault once the system has detected a fault.

2. Steam trap fault detection. Steam traps shall be equipped with automatic fault detection sensors that shall communicate their operational state to the central steam trap monitoring system as described in Section 120.6(i)1.

3. Steam trap strainer installation. Steam traps shall either:

A. Be equipped with an integral strainer and blow-off valve; or

B. Be installed downstream within 3 feet of a strainer and blow-off valve.

4. Steam trap system acceptance. Before an occupancy permit is granted for steam trap systems subject to Section 120.6(i), the equipment and systems shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirement for Code Compliance, as specified by the Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.19. A Certificate of Acceptance shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies that the equipment and systems meet the acceptance requirements specified in NA7.19.

EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.6(i): Steam traps where steam is diverted to a steam system of lower pressure for use when the steam trap fails open.

(j) Mandatory requirements for computer rooms. Space conditioning systems serving a computer room shall meet the following requirements:

1. Reheat. Each computer room zone shall have controls that prevent reheating, recooling and simultaneous provisions of heating and cooling to the same zone, such as mixing or simultaneous supply of air that has been previously mechanically heated and air that has been previously cooled, either by cooling equipment or by economizer systems.

2. Humidification. Humidification shall be adiabatic. Nonadiabatic humidification, including but not limited to steam and infrared, is prohibited.

3. Fan control. Each unitary air conditioner with mechanical cooling capacity exceeding 60,000 Btu/hr and each chilled water fan system shall be designed to vary the airflow rate as a function of actual load. Fan motor demand shall not exceed 50 percent of design wattage at 66 percent of design fan speed.

NOTE: Authority: Sections 25213, 25218, 25218.5, 25402 and 25402.1, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 25007, 25008, 25218.5, 25310, 25402, 25402.1, 25402.4, 25402.8, and 25943, Public Resources Code.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

© 2024 PG&E, SDG&E and SCE. All rights reserved, except that this content may be used, copied, and distributed without modification. Neither PG&E, SDG&E, nor SCE — nor any of their employees makes any warranty, express of implied; or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product, policy or process disclosed in this document; or represents that its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights including, but not limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights.