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F1.1 Introduction and Scope

Zonally controlled systems are usually installed primarily for improved comfort, not improved energy consumption. Studies have shown that zonally controlled cooling systems that utilize bypass ducts or that substantially reduce the airflow across the coil when zone dampers close can actually use more energy. Because of this, HERS raters are required to evaluate these systems to ensure that it is consistent with what was modeled and what appears on the CF1R.

One type of zonally controlled forced air system utilizes motorized zone dampers in the supply ducts to send supply air from a single air handler to different zones, as needed, rather than sending air to the entire are served by that system. These require multiple thermostats or temperature sensors in each of the zones. The number of zones can be two or more. Two-zone systems are by far the most common. The most common application of this type of system is in two story homes served by a single forced air system. The tendency for air to stratify, along with substandard duct design, causes comfort issues that can often be overcome by zonal control.

Note that dampers may also be installed on the return ducts but are not required for the system to be considered a zonally controlled system.

Problems with this type of zonally controlled system arise from the excess air pressure that occurs at the air handler fan when one or more of the zone dampers close and restrict airflow to just a portion of the supply duct system. One strategy is to simply let the pressure increase, which substantially reduces airflow across the cooling coil or heat exchanger. Another is to install a bypass duct that allows the excess air to “short circuit” from the supply side back to the return side. This causes problems by sending excessively hot air (heating mode) or excessively cold air (cooling mode) back into the system.

An alternative approach is to send the “excess air” back into conditioned space rather than directly back into the return air. These are not considered bypass ducts if the air has a chance to mix with house air in a way that does not substantially change the return air temperatures. The area in the home where the excess air is sent to is referred to as a “dump zone.” These dump zones will generally be over-conditioned by this excess air and are usually unoccupied portions of the home, such as hallways or vaulted ceiling areas above the occupied zones. This design may lose some of the comfort benefits of a zonally controlled system.

Zonal control can be also achieved by using two separate systems, sized appropriately for each zone. These act independently and do not need zone dampers. These also do not require bypass dampers or other strategies to handle the excess air. For example, zonal control can be achieved in a two story home by installing a single system with zone dampers that separately control air to the upstairs and downstairs; or it can be achieved by installing two small systems, one dedicated to the first floor and one to the second floor. Assuming that the house can be adequately served by a single large system, the first approach generally costs less.

If it is discovered that a zonally controlled forced air system is installed but not claimed for credit, it needs to be reported to the HERS provider (registry). Because zonally controlled systems can be an energy penalty, they need to be correctly modeled then installed. The CF1R must be revised to reflect the installed system.

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This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®), and Southern California Edison Company (SCE) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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